Filming pt 44

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{in Edinburgh}

"I'm so tired" I said as I laid down on the bed. We had just gotten to Scotland. We were all very jet lagged.

Chris laid down with me and pushed his shoes off. I got up to take mine off and then laid back down again. Chris pulled me in by my waist.

I laid my head on his chest and he pulled the covers onto me. I pulled my shirt off and so did he, leaving me in a sports bra and sweats, and him in just sweats.

"God and it's freezing here I forget we go from south to very northern so quickly." Chris said as he pulled his cold body closer to mine.

"Good thing we took off our shirts then. Body heat transfers faster without clothing to stop it." I said as I shivered a bit. I decided to get up and turn up the heat on the thermostat in the room.

"There" I whispered.

I got back under the covers and Chris snuggled into me. He wrapped his leg around my waist and I kissed his head.

"My beautiful boy." I whispered.

"Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful boyyyy" Chris sang softly. I giggled at him.

"Yeah exactly" I said.

I closed my eyes and listened to Chris's soft breathing. I could tell he was almost asleep. I was almost there too.

I finally let sleep take over.

I woke up to the sound of knocking. Chris groaned and i got up while half asleep to answer. I grabbed a robe and threw it on.

I opened the door and saw Joe standing there.

"Mhm?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"So you guys can't get up either. Alright." Joe said.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"Everyone else is asleep and I just wanted to know if you two were asleep too because we could start filming at any time but I want you all to be your best."

"What time is it right now?" I asked.

"Currently it's about 4 in the afternoon but I'm postponing it until tomorrow because everyone is asleep." He said.

"Okay." I replied while yawning. "You get some sleep too."

"Okay" he said and helped shut my door.

I walked back over to the bed and crawled in. I laid down on my side and Chris pulled me into him. I intertwined my hand with his and he rested ours on my waist.

"Who was that?" Chris groggily said.

"Joe. Apparently it's 4 here but everyone is so tired from the non stop filming yesterday and we're all jet lagged so he's postponing it until tomorrow" I whispered.

"Good." He said. "It got cold when you were gone."

"You literally have separation issues when I'm gone for a few minutes now?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said. I chuckled and snuggled my chest into his broad body.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear before laying back.

"I love you more." I said.

I laid back again and closed my eyes but heard another knock at the door. I huffed and got up.

I didn't even bother to put the robe on and opened the door. I knew my hair was a mess and I was still very tired but I didn't care at this point.

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