Filming pt 54 (smut)

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{two months later}

"Honey you're sick, everyone in the cast is basically sick, stop doing things" Chris said from the couch.

We were back in Atlanta and everyone came down with strep throat. I was just trying to make some tea for Chris.

"I'm okay" I said.

Chris shifted and got up.

"No go lay back down you have the chills right now" I said.

"Not until you come with and sit down for a little. You have chills too you're shaking." Chris said.

"Okay just go lay down" I said and he got to the couch and threw a blanket at me. He put the couch recliner up so that we could both lay and got me a pillow too.

"You cold still?" He asked.

"A little." I replied. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. I laid in his arms, still smelling the faint cologne on him.

"Stop being so caring and think about yourself a little pip." Chris said. I chuckled and rested my hand on his lower abdomen and slid it around his waist.

"Mmmm dont do that" he said and chuckled.

"What am I doing?" I asked and laughed.

"You're touching me like we aren't sick." He said.

"Chris I touched your waist." I said.

"Yeah but it could turn to more!" He said.

"We're both sick dummy" I said. He pulled my hand up into his.

"Are you sick and horny?" I asked. He nodded and kissed my head.

"Yeah it sucks." He said.

"You poor boy." I said.

He sighed and nuzzled himself closer to me. I kissed his collarbone that peeked out beneath his sweatshirt and closed my eyes.

I woke up an hour later to Chris shaking.
He had the chills again so I pulled a couple more blankets on top of him.

"Thank you" he whispered. I kissed his forehead.

I was about to get up but Chris pulled me back in.

"Stay please." He said.

"I wanna make sure everyone else is okay too. Some people are alone and I don't want anyone like alone and not able to do anything." I said.

"Honey." He whined. I grabbed my phone and laid down so that he could rest his head on my chest.
"You're too nice to everyone."

"I'm looking out. I don't want anyone left alone without help." I said. I wrapped my arms around him and played with his soft hair that wasn't gelled back like usual.

I held him close and opened the group chat.

Me: anyone need me to come over and help them out? I just wanna make sure everyone's okay

Hiddleston: stop being so nice you're sick too

Scarlett: doing well thanks

Lizzie: me too but I agree with Tom

Me: I know but I just have to make sure

Seb: how are you and Chris feeling?

Me: pretty good chris got it worse than me.

Mackie: I'm trying to sleep stfu

Me: whatever 🙄

I shut off my phone and rubbed Chris's head again.

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