Chapter-001-You Kidding Me!

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I stand there within the alley waiting for reality to set in as the sky turns from dusk to night. The light that reflected from the mirror started to dissipate as night approached. The system opens up once again but as a menu.




^Items ^Stats ^Options ^ Store ^Help ^ Files ^ Missions

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I selected the help option but it seems to only show what does what when it comes to skills, abilities and spells. Option seems to let me customize the screen and edit the volume and fount of the system. I clicked the unreadable one but it only shows that i have not met the requirement for it yet so I pressed the store. It showed some miscellaneous items from food and guns to a stick and even a copy of SCP-005-The Skeleton Key. It seems that they are bought by a point system which I can earn.

Most low calorie foods cost around 10 SP while things like a taser cost 50 sp. At least I don't starve for a while but I hope to conserve my points. I bought the taser since a young girl like myself needs to be careful as the abilities and skills cost 300sp. That left me with 450 SP left to use as I clicked the missions button.




Objective 1 : Check Stats {COMPLETE}

Objective 2 : Escape Pedophiles {INPROGRESS}

Objective 3 : [Hidden] {INPROGRESS)


WHAT TO THE ACTUAL HECK?!!!!! ESCAPE PEDOPHILES?!!! I Turn quickly around to find a couple of adult men wearing all back with some rope and a gag. As I tried to back away from them one of them tried to grab me from behind but I managed to slip under his legs and was behind him as I pulled my taser from my items and fired it at the creep. But one thing was wrong; I FREAKING MISSED the shot hitting the alley way before they rushed me and Tied me up and gagged me. They dragged me down the alley to a white van stupidly labeled 'FREE CANDY' on the side with paint.

They lifted me up to put me in the van and shut the door behind me as they drove for ten minutes before stopping. They opened the van to show a forest or dense tree filled park with only the car lights showing the surrounding area. They were chatting amongst each other as I managed to get one of my hands free using telekinesis to undo some of the rope. I selected the store and went to the spells tab but before that the men approached me with greed filled eyes as they grabbed me while some of them undid their pants. Out of fear and desperation I selected a random skill.

<System> [ User have selected Spell Lance Of Barren(LV 1) ]

I quickly activate the spell as small black rusted mini lances appear above the perverts and impel them through their skulls and eyes repeatedly. Scattering their gray matter across the grass as they lay dead with their pants down.

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