Chapter-017- Elsewhere

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David Invisi (SCP-{NEG}-879)


It's been a little while since these newcomers have come to our site. Apparently, A former FBI Agent and two college girls who were from what I heard taken in as precaution to a new SCP. I would be irritated about that but that would be hypocritical since I am an SCP as well. I worked for the foundation for well over 46 years at this point despite my middle-aged appearance. I was currently staring at myself in a mirror within my containment cell or rather containment room. I was tall, slightly bulky with messy wild black hair and an after shave that was very clear on my face. My Goldeneye was dull while the other one was missing, covered by an eye patch.

I had scars shown on my face as well over some of my exposed skin that wasn't covered in my specially made light weight MTF gear. I looked at my desk to see the open file for "Nina White" or SCP-(NEG)-4012 as the psychological evaluation on her psyche was worrying to say the least. She was by no means an evil Psychopath or dark desire that threatened life but a broken girl with missing memories and as her psychologist stated in her notes 'If she is broken with only some pieces that it is better if she don't remember everything.' I find it quite sad actually that someone so young can be so broken, but I can't really find any pity beyond that since I lost it all so long ago.

Knocking can be heard on my door as I responded for them to come in and a guard appeared with some troubling news. "Sir, A G.O.C base has been neutralized, reports say that the party responsible were The Scarlet Sins. They appear to be after an artifact the G.O.C keep within the base. Thankfully one of their Agents escapes with the Artifact and is making his way to a Foundation site- 21 after crossing through a country or two. I raised an eyebrow at this "Why site-21 and not any of the other sites on the way?" I asked him with visible confusion before a realization hit me.

"Wait a minute isn't Site-21 where SCP-(NEG)-4012 is located?" I asked out loud to nobody even though I knew the answer to that question. "Yes, Sir. Should I connect to the site to notify them of his future arrival?" "Yes, please do. You are dismissed if that's all. "SIR!!" another guard came in with a worried expression before the other one dismissed. "Site-21 is currently in a Site wide lockdown due to the escape of Scp-682,1048 and 049." The new guard started in a hurry. "Let's just hope it will be solved before their guest arrives." I started with a sighed as I wonder 'How am I goanna tell these rookies.



Morris H. White III


A stone statue is all you can see with creaks starting to form as tears run down its eyes. What is seen is not a statue of me! I was petrified at the news I heard as I had many thoughts and worries flooding my mind as I wanted to run to the site to protect my little angel. There Were 12 guards to hold me down when I heard the news, and they are currently mending their wounds as I was locked in a padded room tied by rope.

"Don't worry baby girl I 'm coming for you." I yelled or well muffled as they also gagged me with only incoherent words that no one can understand. As I lost all my energy to escape, I silently cried thinking about how much of a terrible father I have been.


Blake Pugh


I sweat drop at the overreaction made by Mr. White. He does know he is a burden and Nina can do this no sweat right. Though I am a little worried, I know she will be fine. After all she took on a horde of monsters by herself and won while keeping me and Anaya safe. There really is no need for all this panic. I thought to myself to calm myself down as Mr. White was tied and dragged away for his behavior.

Both me and Anaya sweat drop at the scene playing before us as a female Doctor known as Jessica Bravura. She was a 4 ft 10 inches tall woman with dark brown hair and eyes. She had a pair of purple wolf ears and tail adjacent to her body as she wore a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt that was mostly covered by a white lab coat. "I was going to ask him to help with a project, but it seems that Mr. White is a bit 'tied up' right now." She said while poorly hiding her giggling at her own pun.

She walked off with her tail wagging as she adjusted her glasses as we stared at her leaving. "Did she only come over here to make that pun?" Anaya asked out loud to no one. Before I came into the foundation, I thought my family was weird... oh how naive I was. I looked over to a smirking Anaya staring at me. "W-W-What that look supposed to mean." I asked while blushing. 'I swear this girl is just teasing me.' Be glad you are cute.


Author Note: Sorry for the late update and short chapter. I am running out of ideas on what will happen since currently we are at the filler point with slight reveals to build up the final couple chapters. 

You can comment on these for potential ideas for some of what she encounters next or deal with as I build up to the finale.  I'm sorry if the writing seems to become less fluent as I tried to get these chapter out fast. 

But look forward to the finale for before the finale chapter will be a Q and A as well as A Poll for my next series for both new series and already existing ones that some might want me to work on. From Fanfiction to Original story worlds. Memes, Puns, and so much more.

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