Chapter-021-Talk with 682 and The Final Step

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It's finally time. I was authorized by the council to talk to Mr. Big Lizard Boi to find useful info. I was walking down the hall with others glancing pity at me expecting me to die in 682's chamber. Seems they forgot my immortality but to be fair I don't think they know of that yet. I walked with very nervous guards to the elevator lift.

They pushed several buttons before pushing a big red one which started the lift making it go down. Concrete and beams passed by as the lift had no door or walls into it showed an abnormally large underground area with a large tank of purple fussing liquids. We stopped and stepped out and bought chocolate. This place was huge. I thought his containment cell was 5 by 5. Then again this could be it since I don't know any measurement outside the imperial system... I think.

I walked a long walkway to the tank and noticed a speaker system for the tank....

How did they make it acid resistant?!? But I ignored the random things my mind tried to focus on instead due to the nervousness of this talk. The guards stopped 7 miles away and had me continue to 682's containment area. This area is ridiculously huge and open, but I guess it makes sense since they want to minimize damage when 682 tries to escape again.


_Warning level 5 clearance is required to access the following transcript.........

_All non-authorized individuals will be terminated by command of 05-council.........

_ Any leak of this information deemed not necessary will all be terminated.......

_Only the 05-council and persons of interest on this matter is allowed to know. ......

_Commencing authorization clarification ......

_Authorization Complete....

_Access granted....

_Select file Interview_2_neg_4012_v_682_001_SK......

_Playing transcript......


682: Hmmm...Yong one, why are you here?

Nina: Aren't you angry at me???

682: No why would I be angry at my sibling with the slight exception to that orange blob.

Nina: To answer your questions I came for answers?

682: ......

Nina: Can you tell me about our father?

682: ........

Nina: Please ... Oni-chan.

682: Again..


682: Can you call me that again?

Nina: Ok...Oni-Chan

682: *mumbles* Soo cute.

Nina: ????

682: There isn't any point since you already know the story. There isn't much else.

Nina: Story?

682: Yes it was a story in your universe on our Fathers origins.

Nina: How did you?

682: I know many things Young one like the fact that some of your memories are block and is keeping you from reaching your next and last evolution.


682: I be honest I might despise those who aren't my good siblings but I only despise it because of how much they give to our father. I want to see the King Dead so I can be left alone and sleep until the end of time.

Nina: How do I unlock my memory?

682: Go to one of our other siblings I think is called 239-Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir-Harmony. Asker her to REPAIR you.

Nina: Wait, she is one of our siblings?!!

682: yes not counting those idiots of the Scarlet sins there, 105 -Iris, 999- Merry, 053- Abby, Me, 9121-Amaya, and 166-Felicity.

Nina: Wait, they are all female besides 999 and you??

682: No we are all female we are the main brides candidates for our perverted father.

Nina: Can I ask you your name?

682: I went by many but the first thing I was called was Elizibeth though I don't care what you call me. But I do prefer that ador...* cough* I mean the strange name you tried calling me earlier.

Nina: Thank you Oni-Chan...


_Transcript ended....

_Closing File......


As I went up the elevator again with the guards to find Dr. Cool. "Nina this may seem quick especially for us because it has been decided that you can immediately meet 239. Since she is already awake for you." Dr. Cool said as we walked towards the room for 239. We made it to the door and it was open for us to enter.

I walked in as Dr. Cool stayed out to meet a young girl around 12 with long blond hair and shimmering gray-green eyes. She was wearing a white dress and a paper crown with a smooth stick. I walked up to her as she stared at me. "Hello their Harmony, I'm Nina, one of your sisters." I said. "I know Big Sister Lizzy told me you come for help." she said to me. Wait, how did... nether mind nothing really makes sense here either way, no need to overthink it.

She lifted the stick as said "By the power of thee I shall fix thee ;Memory and power wont ponder; so return to thou owner." Bright light engulfed me as darkness followed as I started to regain my sight. I doble over from pain coming from my head as painful and sad memories enter my mind.

Sorry for the short and very late chapter.

Next Chapter will be the truth behind Nina's past back in her old universe reader discretion. There will be uncomfortable topics such as Psychical , mental and sexual Abuse and self harm.

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