
3.2K 90 31

I stared at the stranger as I contemplated what to tell him; well that was before my stomach started to growl loudly causing me to slightly turn my head away as I blushed like a tomato out of embarrassment. Whelp looks like the moment was ruined by my stomach. What? I can't help it. I haven't eaten anything within a couple hours!! That's a new record. Maybe? I actually don't remember.

He started to move towards me a little which made me reel back in fear preparing to activate my lance of the barren spell. He stopped as his eyes widened as he seemed to realize something. He went into his pocket and pulled out a badge. It was the Federal Bureau Of Investigation also known as the FBI with the name 'Morris H. White III' engraved onto it.

I stared at him for a while. To my surprise my system popped up again. Uhhhhhh...What is it this time?

<System> [ User had meet the requirement to acquired the skill Analysis(LV 2). ]

What? I gained a new skill? Thankfully it is an analysis skill so I can check on things. I activated the skill Analysis and looked toward the 'FBI' Agent.




Name: Morris H. White III

Age: 30 yrs. Old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Titles: FBI Agent, Hero, Kind hearted, Special Agent, Detective, Husband of Rachel White, Faithful, Loyal

EXP: 26/50

Level: 8/10





ATK: 30

DEF: 50


MDEF: 100

DEX: 69

STRG: 54

AGL: 45

SPD: 30

MP: 2

CHARM: 150

INT: 350

LUCK: 99

Bank: $35k




Skills: Fast Hands(LV 15), Stealth(LV 8), Firearm Discharge(LV 12), Negotiation(LV 9)

Ability: Kick(LV 10), Punch(LV 10), Bite(LV 1), Amnestic Resistance (LV 99), Corruption Resistance(LV 20)


What?! He has amnestic resistance level 99 and level 20 corruption resistance not to mention that stupidly high luck! Well it does seem so far he is telling the truth about being an FBI agent. He seems to be a great guy based on the titles alone so I try my luck. I hope I don't come to regret this.

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