Chapter-005-Supisions. Caution. Problems.

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                                                        SCP- FOUNDATION




**Energy signal for SCP-001-SK- Undefined**

A man rushed from a machine that played a message to the door. "Dr. Kondraki the Reality Fluctuation Detector has confirmed a Type Scarlet reality bender we have yet to define with our database." said the researcher to what appears to be a tall man with tan skin and appears to be wearing a cap with his lab coat. "WHAT THE FUCK! A TYPE SCARLET! SHIT!" said Dr. Kondraki with widened eyes. As he yelled this several other senior researchers started to stir in worry why some appeared not to understand the urgency of the situation.

"W-What is T-Type Scarlet?" ask one of the younger researchers known as Dr. Kyvin Strive. "Kyvin..... Have you heard of SCP-001-SK?" Dr. Kondraki asked him knowing everyone within this room is at least level 5 clarence and is highly praised by the 05's themselves. Kyvin shook his head to signify he didn't know anything about it. I sighed as the one who does know started to turn pale.

"SCP-001 is a special case that wears not one but many SCPs. Due to this we assigned name abbreviations as part of its classification. SCP-001-SK is in fact an Eldritch Deity that seeks to devour, enslave, and destroy our reality known as THE SCARLET KING. SCP-231 are what we called the brides but most of them died giving birth to an anomaly of some sorts. But somehow another seven were found recently and three already died and gave birth. So we must secure, contain and protect them from the birth of these powerful anomalies who are the Scarlet King's Children."

"We believe another reality crosses over to ours with their seven brides as we confirm that the women this time don't exist. We also believe that SCP-2317 is possibly the only thing keeping it from obtaining its other half giving it a physical form. Thankfully with the appearance of the new bribes new chains formed leavening us with five chains to contain the entity.. But what is most astonishing is the fact we detected a reality bender that has the Scarlet King energy signature. As far we know we have all of the Scarlet King's Childrens contained."

"I write a report about this to the 05 while requesting a shipment of SRAs to contain it with a new dentation SCP-001-SK-015." He told everyone as he walked out of the room towards his office. Dr. Kondraki 'WAS' going to his office before he was stopped by a flying chainsaw shot by what he considered the worst duo ever within the history of the foundation. On the right was a tall and slender redhead woman with SCP-963 hanging from 'her' neck while holding what appeared to be a Chainsaw Cannon and to the left was an even taller man with half his face who seemed to transform into some sort of shadow demon with a black lab coat. The female was the new host for Dr. Jack Bright who is for lack of a better word 'mental' while the one next to 'her' was Dr. Reven Void who was just as much if not worse than Dr. Bright. It was so bad the foundation made three long lists of rules for them to follow which they happen to always break. There was a list for both of them separately and one for when they are together. Thankfully we managed to find some ways to keep them in line ( ok maybe not much) by taking away Dr. Bright Chainsaw Cannon (How did he get that thing back?) and preventing him from interacting with SCPs while we take the meat and potatoes from Dr. Void and put him in timeout (Is he a child?). So let's just hope we don't all die from their 'activities'.

"Hey Cap, want to join us using SCP-065-J on 682." Void replied with a big grin next to Dr. Bright who was also grinning. "You two don't forget that y'all can't go near 682 anymore after what happened last time." Dr. Kondraki reminded them with a deep sigh as he wondered how the hell they were able to get 682 in a pink tutu with a matching princess tiara. "Waaa; in our defense 682 made a great princess." Said Dr. Bright. I feel like I'm going to get an aneurysm dealing with these two. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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