Chapter-018-Thoughts And ...Yeets?

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4 days later ....

It's been four days since the site wide containment breach, and everything seems to be back in order as we are expecting a G.O.C member to arrive any day now with an SCP of high importance. But let's not dwell on that and focus on what is happening now. I leveled quite a lot and I found out by the system that the SCP the G.O.C member is delivering will be past four evolutions which I can't wait for. But at this news and excitement to become very powerful I stop and realize that I never properly gather my thought and actually think about my situation for a while.

I don't really know what stopped me from realizing these things before but the more I thought the more twisted my situation seems to be. I am obviously on the path of a High Eldritch Being based on races I am evolving into and one of my first titles is 'Daughter of The Scarlet King' when I came into this world, but I never stopped to think exactly what I was here for. It is quite possible that there are more daughters of the king or even sons and it is possible that they could also be transmigrated or reincarnated to this world like me. And from the research within the SCP database, I can come to a guess that the so called 'Scarlet Sins' are most likely like me based on their record abilities and obvious connection to the Scarlet King to the point of stealing items related to him.

But even though I am one of his daughters; I don't really feel any source of loyalty to him or any urges to do his bidding. Not to mention, why are my abilities so game-like? And even though I am getting stronger; do I even want to be? Yes, I am able to hold my own against this monstrosity among the SCPs but Is there a price for this any when I eventually evolve into an Eldritch God would though change me to something that in the end not me? Well, there wasn't any noticeable change so far besides my capabilities, so I keep doing it until I notice something.

Hopefully that wants to bite me in the butt later. Also, when my next evolution happens, I am planning on a risky move of combining all of my different capabilities. I am hoping to unlock a more useful and all-round reality bending ability.

I was sitting within my room thinking these different thoughts until the door opened to show the infamous Dr. Bright. He or rather she walked in with a clipboard as Dr. Kondraki was standing outside my door. 'Welp there goes my deep thinking'. "Ahh Ms. White we have a Safe object classification SCP we want you to help with. Can you please come with me." said Dr. Bright?

This is weird because she is acting too normal. There must be something to this SCP. Most likely a Prank or a JK SCP. But I didn't let that stop me as I moved forward with them through the halls of the site until we made it to the testing room. I walked through a set of double doors to a small table with a black cloth and some bottles of hot sauce. This oddly looks similar to the set for the show 'Hot Ones'. There was a set of fried chicken wings or at least I hope it is. You never really know when dealing with SCPs. Kondraki and bright instead of going into the observation room walked in with me before taking a seat. "Nina, have a seat and try this hot sauce." Asked Kondraki as Dr. Bright started to slightly drool at the sight of the food.

I sat down like I was told and proceeded to dab some bits of the Hot sauces with all of them that seemed to read 'YEET SAUCE' onto my chicken. I took a bite. After my teeth penetrated the crispy skin and I took a bite, the flavor of the hot sauce engulfed my mouth with a pleasant flavor. It was absolutely the perfect hot sauce. Nothing happened until Dr. Bright took a bite after me.

Her face seemed to melt with pleasure until she was flung across the room. 'I guess this is why it is called the YEET SAUCE. I typed the name of the sauce into my search function to find it was SCP-NEG-4337 aka YEET SAUCE.

(Info posted separately)


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