Chapter-015- A Breach In Security

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Arron Clynn


10 minutes Before the breach

{{There was a tall British man in his 30's with dark tan wearing the G.O.C uniform with a small collar around his left arm. This man was Arron Clynn the leader of the Hund Jager, a special division of the G.O.C made up of Human SCPs to combat other SCPs which was taken out of the Foundation's book. He was walking to five others of various races and looks.}}

"Gleen, Lector, Joseph, Morgan and Creed, I called you five in today due to some information we received from Beta team Gamma 0498 that the Scarlet Sins are planning on attacking soon to obtain the Heirloom of the King. WE MUST NOT LET THEM ATTAIN IT. IF THEY DO ONE OF THEM WILL GAIN IMMORTALITY." I said with urgency. The others nodded in agreement to this statement. "We arrange for us to transport the artifact to ... The SCP Foundation. Even though we don't get along, this is necessary to stop one of Sins from gaining immortality." As I completed the briefing the alarms went off.

"Damn, I thought we had more time to change our plans. Lector you will continue while the rest of us stall for time for him to escape." "YES SIR." they shouted in sync even knowing death awaits us. But Gods dammit if we don't put up a fight. We ran to the center of the facility at great pace but on the way, we could see the coinage that unfolded and the bodies of G.O.C members scattered on the ground dead.

There we were face to face with the Scarlet Sins. My teammates and I were very worried but as the leader of the Hund Jager I must keep a cool head and fight on. Even though this will be a losing fight at least we can buy time for Lector to take the artifact and escape while the rest of us keep them at bay. I gritted my teeth in frustration as I know today, I am leading my team to their deaths.





There before us stand the G.O. C's dogs known as the Hund Jager. To be honest they seem very very weak like the rest of these pitiful humans. They aren't worthy of a fight against any of us, but a mission is a mission. I must continue for Tsul to gain her immortality Afterall she is one of the two only female Sins and Ynottulg location is unknown and Htols isn't born yet, so their gender is unknown. We must help Tsul get to the next stage as a Candidate for the Scarlet Queen but she is yet to be one for the Scarlet Princess yet but the amulet would grant her immortality and boost her powers by a lot so she can be a candidate after absorbing it.

The Hund Jager ran at us with many different abilities coming into play. But all I can think of is how annoying dealing with them will be. I ran towards as the others stayed to watch as I grabbed two of the Hund Jagers by the face and slammed them into the concrete foundation of the building forming a small dent with cracks as they coughed out blood. I thought they were out for the count, but they started to heal and got up to continue their assault against us. One of them seems to be gathering light and electricity in the palms of their hands while the other summons a pair of strange looking revolvers with 12 barrels and a crystal cartridge of some kind while it is made of what I think is copper or bronze. The one with the flashy attack strike me at what seemed to be his full power, but it only left a small bruise on my cheek.

"So, you have some bite to go with your bark." I joked as the flashy man growled at me in anger. "Oh, how cute. Tsul can I keep him!??" I asked with puppy dog eyes as I casually dogged their every attack. "No, you can't since you don't take care of the last one and we ended up feeding her as a snack."

she started causing me to slump slightly in sadness. Aww no new pets again sad face as I brought my foot down on the one with the funny gun. After being disappointed I took out my frustration on the Hund Jager as I punched the air sending small shock waves towards them gravely wounding them. I laughed at this before scowling. "I thought these mutts are supposed to be a challenge; but I guess I was wrong." I said to the dying members of the Hund Jager as a small orb of light with a cyan hue emerged from my hand and finish them off.

As I was finishing them off something was off. The Hund Jager was dying with a smile on their faces like in the end they won. That's when it hit me; where was the last member and the artifact?!! I called out to the others and said, "Everyone I think we've been tricked; it seems that one of Hund Jager missing members took the artifact." I gritted my teeth in frustration at my stabbed pride as we looked around for the last living Hund Jager or the artifact, but we found neither.


I heard banging on the door as small dents appeared threatening to tear down the door. As the dents got bigger only for the door to bust down revealing a group of small metal teddy bears entered the room and started dashing towards us. I swing my arm at them at full force out of fear and habit. The force of my blow destroyed some of the bears as their piece's squatter their pieces on the floor. To be honest I was a little surprised since I forgot some of the things I can do.

<System Alert> containment breach of SCP-1048, SCP-049 and SCP-682. Danger level Purple

<System Alert> Emergency Quest .....Primary Quest ...Survive

Secondary Quest.... Re contain or kill threat

Optional Quest.... capture person behind the Containment breach

Bounous Quest.... Save allies and friends from being terminated by threat.

WHAT?!! Not only the Builder Bear but the Plague Doctor and Unkillable Reptile!! I...I....

I was taken out of my dazed state by Dr. Kondraki before we left. As we walked through the facilities hall, we could see dead bodies and blood scatter as well as their innards and ammo shells. Many different screams and gunfire could be heard in the distance as we tried making our way to evacuation. But as soon as we turned the corner a group of seven bears made from tendrils and spinal cords blocked our way. They turned around and noticed us as they extended many tendrils from their body to snap at us like whips.

The tendrils grab on to me dragging me to the floor but befor much could happen I used Barren Lances to strike down the 1048 instances. "It looks like we have our work cut out for use; doesn't it." said Kondraki as we sneaked through the halls to avoid contact. We stumble across another group of 1048 instances made from what appears to be eyes and nostrils. I started to take some down with flame bullet as some of them shot small beams of light similar to lasers towards Kondraki but he was able to avoid it until I killed them.

This type of encounter with the 1048 instances continued until we made it to a lock office with some survivors inside. They were newly hired it seems since they were cowering in fear which if it wasn't for the scent of dead bodies and gun powder, I might be able to smell how scared they were. I wiped myself off as Kondraki started to talk with the newbies and devise a plan for evacuation or possible re containment of the escape SCPs.

Let the Kether mission start......

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