Chapter -011-Deal or No Deal

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There he was sitting in front of me, the infamous Dr. Cool. I quickly pulled up his files to see how I should handle this.


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Name: [Redacted] Dr. Cool.

Age: 28 (March 13, 1987).

Eye Color: (Dark Brown)

Hair Color: (Dark Brown/ almost Black)

Height: (5′8″ feet)

Favorite Colors: (Jet Black and Blood Red)

Titles: O5 Council Member (O5-12), Supreme

Commander of MTF-Alpha-1, Disciplinary Enforcer of the SCP Foundation.

Sexual orientation: Asexual

Spouse: None

Marriage Status: Single (Never been married)

Children: 1 Daughter (Commander of MTF-Omega-12 and upcoming O5 Council member) "Aurora Cool."

Equipment: Black/Tan Beret; Black Trench Coat; Black Boots; Camo BDU Military grade pants; Combat Belt; Colt-45 Caliber pistol; Breathing/ Life support respirator.

Occupational Career:

West Point Graduate Second Highest in his class: (2005)

A Captain of the 75th Ranger Battalion in Iraq: (2007)

Junior Researcher under Dr. Gears in the SCP Foundation: (2008 - 2009)

Full time researcher of Keter Studies: (2009 -)

Supreme Commander of MTF Teams: (2010 - 2013)

Supreme Commander of MTF-Alpha-1 "AKA The Red Right Hand" (2013 -)

Elected O5 Council member: (2013 -)

Enforcer of the SCP Foundation: (2014 -)

Personality: Kind (When he can be), Disciplined, loyal to the Foundation's mission, Unforgiving, Vengeful, Impatient, Power Hungry, Bitter, Angry, holds a sense of Honor, trusts no one, Does not get emotionally attached to much of anything,

Favorite Quote: "Progress cannot be made without sacrifice."

Dr. Cool is one of the Foundations most loyal, dedicated, hardworking O5′s in the organization's history. He strives for organization and efficiency at any cost. He follows the objects and goals of the Foundation with an un-human dedication. Anything he does is for, "The greater good of Humanity and the Foundation as a whole." Dr. Cool has rose through the ranks of the organization with a speed that even scares Dr. Clef and Dr. Gears. His close associates in the high command of the Foundations MTF's also makes many nervous with some saying, he could overthrow other O5′s with a militant backing from the military wing of the Foundation.

Despite all of this Dr. Cool is both loved and feared by many of his subordinates in the Foundation. But that still does not mean he is a saint. Dr. Cool has done many wrong deeds in the Foundation that would bring the Ethics Committee tumbling down on top of him if they discovered his actions.

List of Inhuman actions by Dr. Cool:

1. Broke the spine of a MTF member for violating a direct order during a training exercise.

2. Testing weaponized SCPs on Chaos Insurgency sites or supported towns/villages.

3. Put's D-class in dangerous positions on purpose.

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