Chapter-004- 2 Month Of Paranoia

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Two months have passed since I was notified by the system that my Anomaly Negation ability was disabled. I was filled with paranoia as I wondered what is or isn't an SCP. I was even wary of flyers thinking one of them might be SCP-4177. And I don't need my body-mass taken; NO THANK YOU I ALREADY SHORT AND SKINNY. Joking aside I don't want to die....wait I can't die....still it might hurt.

I was babysitter by Old Man J from time to time while Papa worked. He would take me to the library and even take me to parks or tell me stories of his younger days which highly entertained me. From what I gather this world is actually behind mine when it comes to technological advancement as they have yet to even make published hover cars yet. I also noticed some things are different or just never happened or exist within this world. For instance J. F. Kennedy was never assassinated here but died from a heart attack in 1968 and for some reasons most things like memes and YouTube didn't exist sadly.

A world without memes truly brings a tear to my eye. Putting that aside nothing eventful happened except for me almost burning down our kitchen trying to microwave hotdogs; Don't ask how. It seems that Papa wanted to enroll me in a school based on my actual intelligence instead of age; which we decided on at 7 years old for my fake records. After taking a general knowledge test for higher grades; I passed without any effort. Even though I'm 7 years old they decided to put me in senior year of college!!!

Since they couldn't just give me a degree but It seems my understanding of knowledge from my world is more advanced than some of this world's greatest genesis apparently. I am currently enrolled in only three classes which are Philosophy, History, and Speech. It seems that they didn't really have much to teach me so I picked those courses. I stand at the entrance of Descartes's Private University with my scarlet backpack with black sun emblem engraved on the front pocket. My hair was tied into a singular ponytail tied with a scarlet ribbon that matches my dress as well.

Papa walked me into the main campus office to help me get my schedule before leaving for work. After I got my schedule the principal called in some students to be my caretaker at the school in order to help me with things that I physically can't handle. The door opened to show a pair of women entering the room. The one on the left was a tall and slender woman with bold blue and brown heterochromia eyes that seems to stand out more to her ash gray hair and prominent jaw line. She wore a pair of black jeans and a green tank top that said 'Eat. Ignore. Sleep. Repeat.'

She was introduced as Anya Kiselyov, a Russian exchange student from Kazan. Next to her was a woman with short red hair and freckles. She wore a blue dress while wearing a white jacket. She was introduced as Blake Pugh, a Irish-American who lived nearby.


Anya Kiselyov


Blake and I were called to the principal office for some reason. When we arrived he started to introduce us to a small child. Why the fuck is their a child here? Was she Principal Kiylo's secret child or something? The principal coughed to get our attention.

"Ms. Pugh and Ms. Kiselyov, I would like to introduce you two to Nina White. She's a new student that will be under both your care as she attends senior classes." Both Blake and I eyes widened at that statement. WHAT?! IS SHE A FUCKING MIDGET OR SOMETHING INSTEAD OF AN CHILD?!? Mr. Kiylo noticed our confusion before he faked cough again to regain our attention. "Ms. White here is 7 years old and will be graduating soon. So there will be some problems for her to attend here but I hope you two will be able to help her.

WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK?!!SHE"S ONLY 7!! HOW THE HELL IS SHE A NEW SENIOR IN OUR COLLEGE?!? AND WAY THE HELL ARE WE BABYSITTERS?!? Blake seems to be not surprised which confused the hell out of me. " Blake, Why aren't you surprised about this?" I asked.

"Welllllll you seeeee I actually knew about her for a couple weeks. Soooo remember my uncle who oversees a large portion of assessment tests? Wellll he short of told me about a young genius 7 years old who might be coming to our school; soooooo yeeaahhhhhhh." She told me in a monotone voice like it was a typical Tuesday.


We walked through the hall as they gave a tour to me as the other students stared at me with confusion and curiosity. This continued on as the dawn approached and an orange hue encamped the hallways. They saw me off to my Papa's car as they parted their separate ways. Papa opened the door for me and helped me inside to my car set before we drove off. "So my little strawberry; How was school?" Papa asked.

"Well I only showed around today and will be taking classes tomorrow." I responded to him as I wondered why he referred to me as a littles strawberry. "Ok. But let's stop by a restaurant for dinner ok." he said to me. He pulled up to a restaurant called 'El Pablos'. It was a Mexican restaurant with a strange American man with a small beard and eyepatch wearing a white and red striped shirt.

I stared at the sign for the man who looked very familiar as we entered through the front door. "Aloha Amigos, Welcome to El Pablos. We are having a special today due to our founder Xylophoney founding this restaurant. What? Xylophoney like in the Minecraft YouTuber I like watching? What next Aphmau has a Café or JackSepticEye having an Irish pub. This world is in fact a bit weird but not like these small things matter as long as there isn't any SCPs.

We continued walking in and sat down at a table as we looked through the menu. I selected a taco salad and Sprite while Papa choose the taco supreme and Coke. As we waited we started to snack on the free salsa and tortilla chips. They then brought out our drinks and food. The time went on as we finished our food.

Papa paid the bill and we went on our way home as I started to relax somewhat. Maybe I should relax more because this stress and fear of SCPs is really getting to me. Maybe I should tell Papa everything just encased...... Maybe later. As we pulled into the drive way I paled as Rachel was there with her arms folded and a frown plastered on her face. WHY IS SHE HERE?!?

This didn't make any sense since Rachel and Papa were now divorced and he was able to get a restraining order on her after she broke up a month ago and tried choking me in my bed. Even though she can't kill me, the pain and the terror of the rage and bloodlust in her eyes still haunted me at night sometimes. Papa frowned at the sight of Rachel as he pulled his phone out to call her P.O who I found out was named James Adam. After confirming the P.O is on his way with a cop or two he sighed as he locked the car door again. Papa turned on the headlights to show a deranged Rachel.

Her hair was upkeep and messy as she had big bags under her eyes. Her clothes looked slightly torn and she appears to be CARRYING A KNIFE!! As she walked towards us Papa tried pulling out of the driveway only to find the car can't move anymore. Papa decided to go into the locked glove compartment and take out his gun and load it before ushering it down under the car seats. "Honey, stay down." He asked me.

His finger was near the safety lock as he was prepared to defend us from Rachel. As Rachel keep walking to the car she started crying in furry as she looked at me. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING RID OF ME FOR A FUCKING BITCH?!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DIVORCED ME?!? YOU WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING AFTER ME NOT THAT BITCH!!" She Yelled at us.

Papa tried to keep his cool but was slightly struggling to keep his anger in check as he grinded his teeth. She banged on the car windows and slashed at the doors with her knife. She then tried picking up a big rock to smash the window open in order to get to us. Thankfully her P.O was able to get here on time with some extra cops. And even though this was a serious moment I couldn't help but snicker at Rachel getting tased for resisting arrest.

I don't know why, but something about Rachel on the ground flopping like a fish seems very entertaining. They placed cuffs on her and pulled her away into the night. Hopefully that would be it.

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