Chapter-023- Five months Later and Invasion

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I don't know what to feel. After my mental breakdown I got help from one of the foundation therapists which helped a lot as I bonded with the main seven siblings in that time but Elizbith proposed an idea for me to be able to defeat The Scarlet King that I don't feel comfortable in doing. She proposes that I absorb the powers and anomalous abilities of all my siblings and their amulets if they have any but doing so I absorb their souls and they eventually cease to exist. I was very uncomfortable but the others agreed for me to do this for the greater good of either this world or a select few. And all I have to do is use my Gluttony on them but that kinda like eating them; but not? The process of eating souls confuses me a little. I can't lie.

Today the first seven will basically fuse with me; kinda? Again I don't understand lots of this and whether this is a good plan. Sadly I need to absorb all my siblings which also include the Scarlet Sins. But from what Elizebeth said I’m stronger than them combined by ten fold so the fight won't be too difficult but knowing how this universe works they will most likely have help from one of the Foundations groups of interest. But the only one I can think of from the top of my head who would join their cause would most likely be the notorious Chaos Insurgency. 

The problem is when they will come and what they plan on doing. I trained with Dr. Cool for the final fights during this time of calmness for these five months. We finished advanced hand to hand combat as well as moderate melee weapon usage. I might not win against any military veterans or world champions when it comes to skills only but I have lots of anomalous abilities and strength that would put some gods to shame. With the power I would obtain from the scarlet sinns should top me over to be slightly stronger than the Scarlet King. After my training I walked down the hall with members of the red right hand.

The 05 council seems to want to invest a lot in my strength as well as they plan on strengthening me after the first seven with some scps. I will be at my max possible power inorder to fight against him and with the negation and my system I might be able to get the benefits without the strange or deadly side effects. If all goes to plan this reality would be saved well for the time being. The thought of being the most powerful being within many realities seems so far off but so close as well. I stoped for a second and realized somthing. 

I became an typical overpowered isekai protagonist. I sweat drop at that thought as I continued walking to the room where the process finally starts. I walk through a set of iron inenforced doors made of unknown materials. Inside was my siblings it seems after being told by the foundation of the dilemma we face and it seems everyone is on board with it. It a little sad I have no chase to be siblings with them but this is needed to be done all seven was here as I used my Glottony to absorb them. The process wasn’t bloody or horrifying as i though it be instead they intanly disapeared as i slowly change.

    My skin became white as red marking engraved into my flesh as large wings of shadow sprout from my back as a lon bone like tail protrude from me as my horns shrink to be smaller and sharper with glowing red eyes and slighly sharper teeth and the most surpising thing of all… I got shorter?!! I slightly cried at this fact. I was secretly hoping this would make me taller. But my hair seemed to be bright red as if on fire while the symbol of gluttony replace my iris. 

I came out with tears running down my face without me realizing it. I think I might be more mentaly unstable than I realize. Hopeful this doest interfer in our plan to save everyone. My change seems to affect my abilities as well.

<System>Gained Title Taboo Devourer 
<User Request> Power
<Request granted> } Power granted 1/2
<System> Evolution conditions meet


Name: Nina S. White

Age: (???)

Gender: Female

SCP Number: SCP-001-SK-015 (SCP-NEG-4012)

Race: Eldritch High Goddess 

Titles: Child OF The Scarlet King,Immortal, Glottuon, Loli, Cute, Prodigy, SCP, Reality bender, Little Helper, Kind Child, Berserking Loli, Pedo Crusher, Meme Lord, The Scarlet Princess, Demon Lord Of Gluttony, Next God Slayer, Master Of Craft,  Creation Goddess Disciple, Lucky One,Taboo Devourer ,Scarlet Devourer 

 HP: ထ
ATK: E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈
DEX: ထ
STRG: E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈
INT: E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈
Plot Armor, Immortality, Mana Regeneration, Regeneration, System Control{LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈},Spatial Storage(LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈), Night Vision, Kick, Punch(LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈), Exp Boost, Bite(LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈), Bottomless Stomach , Amnestic Resistance, Corruption Resistance, Anomaly Abilities Negation, Hands Of Creation, Omnipotent(LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈), Omnidirection(LV E̦̹͓͖̅͆̂͘͞ͅȐ̮͚̱̰̩̅̏͗̈0̨͚͚͕̬̫̗̤̋̋̀̑̍̋͝͡r͍̈)


It seems a lot of my satus cleared up and obsorbing the rest would do it as well. It appears once a stat reach infinity it reads itself of levels. AS well as actual god powers. I guessing once it max it would replace a lot of things but it be much clear. It better than all those random asortment of abilites i cant even remember let alone use. I left the room to the sound of sirens going off as a alert for a site wide lock down due to an outside attack played over the intercoms. 

I guess they finally found me. Let end this

Finally after all this planing both my siblings and the Chaos insurgency bust into the foundation location for our sister. I will take her energy and power and make it my own to be the next Scarlet Queen not her. Everyone spread out to find her with a walkie talkie to notify each other when she is found. While they do that I will go around aborbinng the energy and power of Foundation members and some SCPs while I’m here. I walked pass a line of dead Foundation guards in into deeper the faccility to have my meals.

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