Chapter-006-A Cool Guest

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SCP Foundation - Dr. Void


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAA" I was laughing maniacally at what was in front of me. It was a J type SCP known as SCP-@#%&!-J. I pulled out its file to make sure it really was SCP-@#%&!-J.


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It is best not to make direct eye contact with SCP-@#%&!

Item #: SCP-@#%&!

Object Class: X

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-@#%&!'s containment cell is to be flooded with Dr. Bronner's brand peppermint soap in the event that SCP-@#%&!'s secondary effect exceeds containment capacity. SCP-@#%&!'s effect is currently in the process of being studied so that we might do away with it.

SCP-@#%&! creates new curse words every time it speaks.

Description: SCP-@#%&! is the designation given to a very rude bird capable of producing human speech despite its anatomy suggesting it would not possess such a capability.

SCP-@#%&! uses curse words almost exclusively. It is not known where SCP-@#%&! learned the words or why it chooses to use them when other words are available.

Addendum G: A reverse image search reveals that this type of bird is a finch.

Addendum PG: Curse words really only have the power that we give them. I suggest the document be revised with this perspective. -Dr. ████

███ you, try me. — SCP-@#%&!

It is not known if SCP-@#%&! is sapient or is simply a biological robot that produces curse words.




F███ you.

How are you today?

I don't give a flying ███.

Well f███ you too then!

[█████; an original curse word. When parsed by Foundation cryptographers it translates into the complete writings of James Joyce]

SCP-@#%&! is exposed to a pattern screamer.

Shut the f███ up!

Addendum TV-13: Excerpt from interview conducted on "Dr. Gerald", an intrasite television program.

Dr. Gerald: You are the father.

SCP-@#%&!: Sir, I am a ████ING ██████.

Dr. Gerald: Well, we have someone here we'd like you to meet.

Timmy waddles onstage.

: Why am I a bird?

Audience gasps.

SCP-@#%&!: Begins doing flips.

Audience boos.

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