Chapter-007-THE POWER OF MEMES And Tea Parties

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Many days have passed since Dr. Cool stayed with us. I was grinding levels through completing missions of small scales that would only be seen as chores. I helped our neighbor with their messy yards and their overly hyper pets. I even destroyed a couple of pedophiles the other day with that all in all, together I gained three levels and some boost to my powers. The thing I am most glad for is the fact I was able to obtain an ability that negates the effects of negative Anomalies and special abilities. I used a lot and I mean a lot of store points to buy Anomalous Ability Negation, Spell creation and Skill creation.

"Status" I whispered causing the all to familiar screen popped up with my info




Name: Nina White

Age: (???)

Gender: Female

SCP Number: SCP-001-SK-015

Race: Eldritch Semi-Goddess (Race Evolution Condition Not Meet)

Titles: Child OF The Scarlet King, Immortal, Glutton, Loli, Cute, Prodigy, SCP, Reality bender, Little Helper, Kind Child, Berserking Loli, Pedo Crusher, Meme Lord, The Ƨ̷̛̰̣̩͍̃̅̏̈́Sɔ̵̯̥̠̝̩̌̀̐͛͝ɒ̵͖̳̼͚̜̎̀̓̑̑ɿ̸̡̢̞̳̼̓̈́̊̚l̵̗̮͖̰̈̈́̓̍̊͜ɘ̷̡̰̬̟͎́̐͆̀̚Ɉ̶̢͇̞̹̈́̌̒̀̋ͅ ̴͔̩̲̖̝̀̉̐́̚Գ̷̛̥̥̤̙́̂̿̏Pɿ̸̝͕͔̱͍͛͊̉͆͘i̷̧͚͖͋́̀̈́̔ͅͅn̶̛̲̻̹̬͂̎̈͘nɔ̶̤̻̭̥̜̊̓̈͌͠ɘ̴̰̬̝̬́̾̈́͝͝ͅƨ̷̨̲̗̖̱̀̿̕͘͠ƨ̷̧̖͔̽̌̅͝͠ͅs

EXP: 50/50

Level: 10/10





ATK: 100

DEF: 120

MATK: 485

MDEF: 485

DEX: 115


AGL: 90

SPD: 35


CHARM: 850

INT: 420


SP: 7





Skills: Mana Distribution (LV 5), Fast Hands (LV 5), Stealth (LV 5), Light Steep (LV 5), Skill Creation (LV 3), All Mighty Censored (LV 10), Omae wa Mou shindeiru(LV 5), Take A seat (LV 10), Plot Armor (LV 20),

Ability: Immortality (MAX), Mana Regeneration (LV 9), Regeneration {LV 9), System Support (LV 80), accelerated thinking (LV 10), Spatial Storage (LV 11), Night Vision (LV 9), Kick (LV 8), Punch (LV 8), Exp Boost (LV 8), Bite (LV 15), Bottomless Stomach (MAX), Gluttonous Recharge (LV 20), Amnestic Resistance (MAX), Corruption Resistance (LV 20), Berserking Loli (LV 3), Material Reinforcement (LV 4), Anomaly Abilities Negation (LV-),

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