Chapter-019-The Start to the End

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                                                                   Lector Wandsworth


A couple of days have passed since the attack on our base. I trekked through the countries, sneaking aboard several boats and a train. But all that effort was worth it in the end as I arrived at the location for the drop off. Honestly, I was a little surprised the Scarlet Sins seemed to not be chasing me for whatever reason, but I was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth and decided to count my blessings. Whatever the reason, I honestly don't care as long as I can complete this mission one last time for the boss.

Boss was a good Son of a Bitch, and I won't fail him and let his and the others' sacrifices go in vain. I walked to the gates exhausted beyond belief with the consent traveling, little food and sleepless nights but it wasn't something unfamiliar Afterall we were trained to handle these types of situations. Some of the foundation guards noticed me and moved in armed and ready to fire. I quickly ripped off my G.O.C badge and showed it in the air which gave me a few surprised looks of surprise. "This Son of a Bitch actually made it. Let him through with the item to the Site Director." Said a guard that appears to be in charge of this station.

They let me through after blind folding me. Dammit these Foundation members and their secrets. Though I can understand why. We continued on until we reached the Site Director's office. I entered to see the infamous Dr. Cool seating down on a chair reading what appears to be a book titled '101 uses for snails. That's... an interesting subject to read on... I guess.

"Sit down." Dr. Cool said as he gestured to an open seat in his office after setting the book face down while still open. I sat down as he requested. To be honest I admire him unlike the rest of the foundation. "I heard why you are here and that you have a certain dangerous item that should never fall into the Scarlet Sin's hands. But what I don't get is why did you go out of your way to this facility when you could easily make it to one of our sites closer to you?" Dr. Cool asked after slightly raising an eyebrow.

"You and I both know why I choses these places, Director. You are housing our only suitable and non-dangerous option to fight back against not only the Scarlet Sins but the Scarlet King and his cults. I rather our only chance against the king be in possession of the amulet than it evenly getting in the hand of the Scarlet Sins." I was revealed as Dr. Cool seemed mildly amused at the facts. He appeared to be in a deep thought as he sat there before opening his mouth again.

"Ok; but you must transport the amulet to her yourself. I have some guards accompany you to her." "Thank you very much Director." I stated before I left the room with the guards he mentioned waiting outside as I stepped through the door. We walked down several hallways before I entered the common area.

As I entered the artifact which was an amulet with unknown carvings on it started to glow before levitating out of my hold and shot forward past the guards and into a little girl that was there. Well Shit.



                                                                                  Dr. Void


It seems that we are coming to a standstill. The calm before the storm. And when all is said and done; i will have my shard back from that jerk Endo-Sama. Well at least the Abyss Nexus is still intact. Can't wait for the new Angel to take her place. It's a bit sad what her life is now but it has to be done.

(Author Note: He is talking about the MC for my other book 'Sober Abyss')

Well, I just hope My Master can help her in the future after all she won't let a young girl carry such a burden like her. I was in deep thought as I walked through the facility until I got bored and decided to visit Dr. Bright and see what she is up to. I walk in to see her talking to a skeleton in a purple and black trench coat and a scar under one of its eyes holding what appears to be rubber chickens. I normally get upset when entities from another Omniverse, but Epic is a fun fellow, so I let it slide this time.

At least Dr. Bright knows why I'm here and I am surprised no one notices the human Fresh that appears every so often. Well, this universe story that centers around Nina is about to start its end though it might take a little longer I initially thought.


Two Days Later

It has been two days since my evolution and both me and the Foundation want answers on what exactly happened. Knowing I am a child of the Scarlet King it might be best to ask someone with knowledge. We can't really get good info from his cults, and we can't really talk to the Scarlet Sins so our only hope for an answer should be my siblings from the first set of Seven Bribes that the foundation obtains. But that means I must talk with the most knowledgeable of my theoretical siblings...SCP-682. I talked to Dr. Cool about this, and he agreed to talk with the rest of the 'Higher Ups' about a cross test with me and 682.

Now all I have to do is wait. I truly hope we gets answers.

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