Chapter-014-The Other five

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The wind was blowing in my hair as I was free falling through the sky onto a Global Occult Coalition (G.O.C) base in the Philippines in the middle of nowhere. As the pressure of the wind caressed my body five boys were free falling with me. It wasn't the most pleasant being the only girl in the group, but I don't care after all I will be daddy's queen. I thought to myself giggling as my black hair fluttered against my tanned skin. We landed with a large thump forming a crater and a large smile on our faces as we prepared our attacks.

I launch large metal spikes that piercings through the blast proof doors tearing them to shreds. Htarw was looming over them with his massive height and green horns as he extended his arms to smash through the second set of doors leaving it wide open and a shit ton of G.O.C members armed to the teeth aiming at us. As they pull the trigger a short fat blonde with crystal wings teleports in front of us and extends his wings to block the bullets leaving himself and is unharmed. "Thanks for saving Edirp. But I could handle it myself." I started as I licked my lips before letting out a small yawn which killed a large portion of the G.O.C here as their souls left for Deerg to eat as he stepped forward devouring the souls of the G.O.C members.

Deerg let out a satisfied sigh after eating the souls. His figure stands among corpses showing his malnourished body and long green hair and pointy ears which reminds me if a picture is seen before of an elf. We continued to stroll into the center of the base looking for the 'package'. As we almost made it before we were stopped by the 'special' dogs of the G.O.C. "Well, well, well if it isn't the Jäger Hund. Did your guys forget to take you on walks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Yvne stop teasing the poor mutts they will wet themselves." Edrip added as Me and Htarw was laughing while Deerg just ignored us still eating like always. "Shut your dirty mouth freaks." one of the Jager Hund growled.

"Ha they call us freaks when they are betraying anomalies like themselves. How funny the G.O.C wanted to kill you all off, but they enlisted your help to do it. Man talks about irony." I said to them as their angry expression grew. We ran at each other preparing to fight. Only for...


I was a little lonely as Papa, Blake and Anya were taken to another facility for more training and won't be back for a couple months. I walked through the foundation with armed guards as they led me to a testing chamber where a 5ft 2inch Caucasian male stood in the center but due to his appearance I assumed he was a man. An intercom activated with Dr. Kondraki voices on the other side ready to start the testing. "Subject Negative 4012 please proceed to look away from the opposing subject." he said, making me turn around. "Can you see the other subject?" He asked me.

"No, I can't see him." I responded. "Okay try touching the subject." he beckoned as I moved closer to him to touch him. I touched him while looking directly at him before tears started to roll down his face. "You aren't real, you are not a fool but a goddess of kindness which seems to tender my heart. Oh, how pleasant it is to be truly seen, be it evermore evermore evermore." He said to me leaving me more confused than anything.

"Subject 4012 you can now exit the testing room." Kondraki said in a static like voice over the intercom as the power went out only to get replaced by a red tint as sirens went off. "Code Delta Code Delta a site wide containment breach has occurred Initiating Site lockdown." a robotic voiced announce over the intercom. "Why is it that my luck is so bad?" I mutter to myself as I heard banging on the door as small dents appear threatening to tear down the door.

The dents got bigger only for the door to bust down revealing...


(Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter and for it taking a while. I have WritersBlock but you the reader can affect the filler stories with recommendations for what Nina should do, what SCP she will encounter, capture on be tested with and much more since these chapters are more of filler with it getting build up closer and closer to the finale.)

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