Meet Cute

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Club beats and bass rumbled through the walls and your body. It was a hot, dry night in Los Angeles, California. Neon lights soared through the air and flash across the crowd's faces. You and your best friend Ashley were bobbing up and down, dancing to Dua Lipa's Levitating blasting through the club. "We need a drink!" Ashley yelled at you, you barely heard her.

We fought through the dancing crowds of people and made it to the bar. Ashley spoke to the bartender and ordered both of you Cosmopolitans. You leaned against the bar and watched the groups of people bouncing up and down.

This was just the release you needed; you had moved to LA to attend school for dance. You left your family back in Minnesota, starting from scratch was hard. Luckily, you met Ashley in some of the same classes and really hit it off. Dance finals were soon, and you had been studying and practicing hours and hours, for days and days.

Your cosmopolitan was handed to you. "Thanks!" You yelled to the bartender. Ashley and you walked over to a table in the corner. We plopped down on the bar stools. "Whew!" You sighed out loud. You took your wedged sandals off and rubbed your heels. You had been dancing for a few hours straight. Ashley giggled at you. "You've got to get used to dancing in heels. This ain't Minnesota!" She teased you and you shoved her shoulder.

Ashley leaned in to whisper to you, "That hot guy over there has been watching you all night." You followed her eyes and saw this gorgeous, muscular Brazilian man. You shook your head. "I think he's looking at you." Ash rolled her eyes. "Go dance with him!" She nudged you. You finished your drink and shrugged. "Only to prove he was looking at you, not me." You stood up and started your way over to the man.

You stood beside him and started casually dancing beside him. He gave you a nod upward. "You want to dance pretty lady?" You smirked, "Sure." You began dancing together. Ariana Grande's 'Positions' song came on and the Brazilian man decided to start dancing a little more risqué with you. Honestly, you didn't like it. He turned you around and started grinding himself against your backside. You spun around and started cussing the guy out. "You're disgusting!" He laughed, "You came on to me girl." He slapped your butt. You reared your fist back and was about to punch this muscular man with all your might.

Someone stepped in between us. "I believe you're done here." The slender, tall man said. The Brazilian man laughed and said, "Screw this, she ain't hot enough for all this." And walked off. You fixed your clothes he roughed up and thanked the mystery man. The lyrics from 'Positions' sang "Perfect, perfect, you're too good to be true." And the man turned around. "You're welcome miss, you don't deserve to be disrespected." Your jaw basically fell off your face. You knew this guy! He was extremely famous! He was from the worldwide renowned band BTS. This was J-Hope himself. Jung Hoseok.

Your lips were trying to form the word 'hope.' But absolutely no sound was escaping them. He tilted his head quickly at you. You were locking eyes with one of your biggest inspirations for dance. J-Hope was an extraordinary dancer, just blessed with the natural ability. Your head was swimming in an ocean. You got light-headed and started falling backwards, but J-Hope caught you. "Are you okay?" He kept asking you. Ashley had rushed over to you at that point. The two of them walked you over to a back room where a solidary couch was sitting. They sat you down. "Just...Dance...Airplane...Boy Meets Evil..." you was deliriously mumbling. J-hope smirked and nodded his head. "Yes. You're my hope, I'm your hope, I'm J-Hope."

You lifted your head briefly and saw him smiling down at you, showing off his adorable dimples. Ashley looked down at you confused, she didn't know who he was. You shook your head clear and sat up. "Oh my god, Jung Hoseok in the freaking flesh!" You were screaming, good thing the music drowned you out. He was smiling and nodding. That smile, you instantly forgot who you were. It was the most radiant, purest smile you had ever seen. You lost yourself in it for a few seconds.

He sat down beside you, then J-Hope held out his hand for you to shake it. You rapidly shook his hand. For the first time you got a good look at him. Damn, if he didn't look absolutely stunning in person. Pictures and videos did not do this man any justice. He was wearing black jeans with the knees ripped out, a plain black t-shirt tucked into his Gucci belt and a pair of Nikes. 

"I am a huge fan!" You finally formed a coherent sentence

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"I am a huge fan!" You finally formed a coherent sentence. He flashed you his beautiful smile again. "Thank you!" His voice rang brightly like a bell. This man was the definition of sunshine. "I'm going to school for dance, I study your form and body lines all the time!" He was shaking his head up and down. "Yes, I noticed you were a dancer. You're not bad, even though I don't think you were being serious." Your face went still as the dead. Your heart gave up. J-Hope was watching you. He noticed you. You suddenly buried your face into your hands and let out a yell in them.

J-hope did his famous head tilt again and pulled down your hands. "I said you were good, not bad!" His accent was adorable. Your face was so red with embarrassment. Of course, you had heard him, that was the problem. You now knew he had been watching you. "You watched me? Oh god, I'm going to die." He laughed with his mouth wide open and slapped his own knee. "You're so dramatic, you're funny!" You felt your face get hotter, now he was making fun of you. Someone end your life, right here, right now.

He continued, trying to comfort you. "Me and some staff are here scouting for new dancers." He pointed to three people dressed in all black. "We were checking out everyone." That thing in your chest, your heart? It stopped working. J-Hope could see the excitement in your eyes and decided right then and there to crush your dreams. "We are scouting for male dancers."

Dropping your head so low, you could feel a lump in your throat and tears forming in your eyes. Hoseok shoved your knee, trying to get your attention. He could sense he just shattered your heart. "I still want to invite you to audition." Ashley started clapping and jumping up and down. You stood straight up and screamed, "What?! Really?" He smiled, squeezing his eyes shut and nodded quickly.

He reached in his messenger bag nearby and pulled out a paper with all the information on it. You snatched it and ran your eyes across the words. "It's next week?!" He grinned big. "Yep!" He stood up and held out his hand one more time. "I hope you'll join us." You shook his hand again. "Will you be there?" He squinted one eye and acted like he was thinking hard. "If my schedule can allow it." You smiled so brightly. "Thank you so much Mr. Jung!" He laughed heartily, "Please don't call me that." And with that, he walked back over to his staff. Ashley hugged you so tight. "Let's go home and discuss this!" You nodded, and we left the club. 


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