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The next day was Monday and you knew you had school. You were feeling so anxious about asking for this exception. You were truly hoping for the best. You really needed things to work out for you. Ashley and you stayed behind after the first class of the day let out. You approached your professor and cleared your throat.

"Mr. Jones?" You asked quietly, not feeling confident at all. "Yes?" He asked, not looking up from his papers. "I have an odd question to ask," you got his attention and he looked up at you from his desk. "I auditioned for a dancing role in a music video and got selected. It would take place in Korea so I would have to fly over there, and it takes place in three months." You gauged his expression, but he didn't have one. 

You continued, "It's for a worldwide famous band and this would be dream come true for me. I was hoping if you could help me out and let me take my final a little early so I can leave for my trip." You looked at him silently. Patiently, anxiously waiting for his response. You chewed on your lips nervously.

"The final early?" He sounded annoyed; your heart sank at his tone. "I would have to prepare it earlier than needed." You felt the guilt creep in, you were being selfish, asking too much of this probably extremely busy man. 

"I know, I'm terribly sorry Professor Jones, but this would be a dream come true. If we don't aspire to chase our dreams then they stay dreams." He looked into your eyes for a moment, almost searching for your resolve. He could definitely see the dedication in your eyes. "Alright, I'll prepare a separate test for you early, your test won't match your peers, so don't try to give them any answers."

Your smiled spread across your face, you almost wanted to hug him but knew that was inappropriate. "Thank you so much! This means the world to me!" He gave you a smile back once he could see how much it meant to you.

Ashley and you left shortly after, you felt so elated. "I can't believe that worked!" You yelled at Ashley, and she copied your happy energy. "One more teacher to ask," you said and immediately felt intimidated. You knew your happiness and dreams could crash at the drop of a hat. It all boiled down to your next teacher.

After class, Ashley and you hung back. But this time, you told Ashley to wait outside. She listened but looked confused at you. You approached your professor. "Mrs. Knittle?" Your voice was shaky and so was your body. She looked up at you from her desk. You saw her circle a giant 'F' on someone's paper, and you swallowed heavily. She seemed annoyed.

You repeated your whole spiel. Told her everything, about the audition, about the trip and even told her your other teacher approved it as if to convince her. You hoped knowing that would make her decision easier. "It's for a worldwide famous band. This would a dream come true for me." You repeated your last line again. She looked up at you unfazed.

"And what band is that?" She asked snobbishly, you didn't appreciate her tone at all. You got nervous and fidgeted with your hands. "BTS," you softly said, hoping maybe she knew who they were. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung wide open. "BTS?!" She was shouting and it caught you completely off guard. "I'm an ARMY!! How did you manage to get into their next music video? Do you know anything about it?!" She was bouncing up and down, her demeanor changed dramatically. Her eyes lit up with fire when you mentioned her favorite Bangtan Boys.

You smiled brightly at her. You told her all about how you met J-Hope in the club, you were scouted out, you audition twice and were selected." She was flabbergasted. "Is J-Hope as gorgeous in person as he is on tv?" You nodded, "even more so." You left out the part where you made out with him, you giggled to yourself knowing it would probably shatter her heart. You didn't want to ruin any chances of her saying yes.

"Of course you can take your final early! We ARMY's gotta stick together and help each other out!" You were surprised when she hugged you, so excited for you. "Thank you so much Mrs. Knittle. I'll tell J-Hope what you've done for me!" Her eyes lit up like a firework.

You left the classroom and Ashley could hear yelling from inside and gave you concerned look. She didn't know that the yelling was happy, not angry. You gave her a giant smile, "she is letting me!" You screamed and you both jumped up and down, screaming together. You pulled your phone out and texted J-Hope, you wanted him to know immediately.

"My teachers are letting me take my finals early!! Nothing is holding me back!" You were yelling through text but couldn't help it. You were so excited.

When you arrived back home, you felt exhausted from all the excitement and nerves. Today took too much of an emotional toll on you. You became rejuvenated when Hobi texted you back though.

"That's amazing! We need to celebrate again!"

"Absolutely! We need another movie night!"

"Okay, how about tomorrow night? :)"

"Sounds perfect! I'll see you tomorrow."

Things were going so well; you were on cloud nine. You couldn't be happier than you were at this very moment. Hobi would come over tomorrow and join in the excitement about you being able to go. You were kind of glad he wasn't coming tonight though; you were exhausted. You needed time to clean your house again briefly and organize everything again. 


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