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The next couple of months came and went. You and Hobi became very close, almost inseparable. You did everything together. You cooked, cleaned, practiced dancing for school, went shopping together, even if it was just grocery shopping. You both seemed attached at the hip. 

He was the sunshine of your days, there when you woke up, greeting you with the warmth of his smile that would warm you inside and out. You were falling quickly for him, no safety net below you.

The time came for you to purchase your ticket, you looked at the flights that would take you to South Korea. J-Hope looked over your shoulder as you did. His chin resting on your shoulder. You both were always touching, never were you far apart. 

You swallowed when you saw the price. "Wow, the cheapest flight to Incheon International Airport is $808. But that's both ways." You kept clicking around on your keyboard. "Maybe just choose a one-way ticket for now, you don't know the date of your departure." Hobi pointed out and you nodded. "Okay, so about half that price. I feel so bad for my mom having to pay for this. But it's for a good cause."

You opened a new searched and typed in 'hotels in Seoul.' You looked for a cheap hotel. "This Fairfield by Marriott hotel looks nice and there's a nice deal on it right now. I'll book one week at a time. Just to play it safe." 

You hadn't realized your heart was racing. This trip planning was making you anxious. You rubbed your face with your hands and left your face in them. You exhaled, Hobi rubbed your back gently. "I'd offer for you to stay in the dorms with me, but the staff probably wouldn't like that." You looked at him and gave him a soft smile. "That's sweet sunshine, but I'll be okay. You can come visit me whenever you can." You nudged him and he grinned. "Okay."

"Okay so that's almost $400 for the week," You sigh again. The guilt of charging your mom all this money was weighing on you. You closed your laptop abruptly. "Maybe I shouldn't do this." J-Hope shot you a puzzled face. "What?!" 

You sadly met his eyes. You couldn't help but doubt if this was the right decision. "You're going to get paid for appearing in the video! Use that money to pay her back if it bothers you that much." You straightened up your back, you didn't realize this. "I will?" Hobi nodded frantically. "Yes! You get paid $600 per day." You smiled, feeling relieved. "Great! I can pay her back then! I thought the opportunity enough was payment for me." You chuckled embarrassed at your nativity.

"Yeah, so don't be backing out. You scared me half to death!" J-Hope was grabbing at his heart, you laughed softly. You opened the laptop back up and booked the hotel. You sighed after the confirmation came in. "Okay, it's official. The flight and hotel are booked, I'm going." Hobi lunged at you and hugged you. "You're going to love Seoul!" You hugged him back, arms wrapped around his neck.

"Do you want to help me study for my finals?" You asked him innocently, he beamed and nodded. "Anything to get you to Seoul with me." You opened up your school's website and logged in. 

The both of you read the study materials and went over each question. Hobi helped you with questions you struggled with, and you helped him in return when he was guessing the answer wrong. You held hands while quizzing each other. For some reason, Hobi found this fun.

You kiss his cheek sweetly. "Do you think I'll pass?" He nodded, "Yes! You'll do great!" Ashley entered the room and saw you both on the couch. She rolled her eyes, "You guys are like Siamese twins anymore. I don't see her without you, or Hobi without you." You looked at each other and giggled. 

You stared into each other's eyes, sweet smirks on each of your faces. "We really like each other," you whispered, staring deep into those pools of chocolate. Hobi pressed his lips to yours and smiled against your lips. Ashley scoffed and walked away, mumbling something about how she needs a boyfriend herself.

J-Hope stood up, "I've got to get back and pack. I'll be going back home a week before you." You pouted, that didn't sound good at all. You had got too used to his company. His infectious smile and laugh. Hell, his overall infection positivity. Hobi made you feel like you could do anything. 

You jump up and fling your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Okay, be careful!" He nodded, showing off his dimples with his smile. "Your finals are tomorrow, go to bed early and good luck! Call me as soon as you're done!" You hugged him tighter, not wanting to let him go. Hobi kissed the top of your head.

You waved bye to him, and he was gone. Your felt your heart slump. The moments alone, away from him were always so lonely. You had Ashley here, but it was different. You could be in a room full of people and as long as your sunshine wasn't there, you were lonely. Your heart felt like it was missing a chunk of it. You sighed as you watched your front door shut.

You drug yourself into your room, going to get ready for bed, doing as Hobi said. You washed your face and brushed your teeth. You flopped into bed, thoughts racing through your head like a marathon. You had so much to worry about, but you texted Hobi a goodnight text and tried to roll over and go to sleep. 


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