Finally, Finals

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The morning of your finals was here. You were nervous to say the least. All your hard work had come to this. If you passed these classes, you'd only have one more semester left of school before you could graduate with your bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. 

You hurried got ready in the morning and ran out the door to get to class for the finals. Your phone buzzed on the way to the college. "Good luck sweetheart, let me know when you're done." You smiled at the sweet text from J-Hope. You read it once you were parked in the school parking lot.

You walked into your classroom and your teacher smiled at you. This test was going to be taken after hours, in between the professor's classes. "Take your backpack and phone and set it by the wall." Professor Jones had instructed, and you followed the rules. He placed the thick packet of papers on your desk. "You have an hour, begin." You nodded.

Reading question after question, you answered them best you could. Some answers you knew instantly and some you had to think about. Thanks to Hobi for helping you remember terms with his unique way of memorizing them. He really helped you. You did the best you could and after fifty minutes, you turned the test in. "Alright miss, I'll grade this and email you. Good luck in your music video." Professor Jones smiled. "Thanks sir, bye!" You waved and walked out of the room.

"First final is done, on to the next!" You updated Hobi.

"Think you did okay?"

"I think so, thanks to you."

"Anything for you sweetheart. ;]"

You took a deep breath before entering your next class. You hated that the finals were scheduled back-to-back, you were mentally tired from the first one. But this was the only way that it could be done.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Knittle," you greeted her as she walked in, and she smiled at you. "Hello! Are you ready for the final?" She asked, seeming bubblier than she normal was. She was a very calm, restricted type of teacher, but once she found out you were an ARMY and going to be in a BTS music video, she changed dramatically. "Yes, I'm ready!" You tried to psych yourself up.

Mrs. Knittle laid the papers on my desk and wished you the best of luck. This test seemed a lot easier. You knew all the answers almost immediately. Feeling confident, you turned the test in only after a half hour. Professor Knittle looked at you surprised. "I hope you did well. I'll grade it and let you know. Let me know how the shoot goes when you come back." She smiled and you smiled back, nodding in agreement. You walked out holding your head high, feeling good at about that final.

"Okay, all done!"

"Yaay!! I'm coming over in an hour!"

"Okay sunshine"

You drove back home, feeling anxious. Every time your phone made a sound, your heart stopped. You were awaiting the test results. You got back to your apartment and noticed Ashley was gone. You texted her asking where she was. You told her about the final experience. You quickly picked up around the house, always wanting the house to look neat for Hobi. You walked down the hall and was heading for your bathroom and dropped your phone when you saw J-Hope laying on your bed. "How did you get in here?!" You shouted, still shocked. "Ashley let me in and then left."

Jumping onto your bed and immediately embracing Hobi, you smiled. "I'm glad you're here, I missed you." He hugged you back, "I missed you too." He gave you a small smile. He seemed not himself, you tickled his stomach, trying to see that beautiful smile on his. He busted out laughing, pushing your hands away. "Aish! Quit!" You stopped and looked at him with big eyes. He rubbed his neck nervously. You were worried, he usually doesn't act like this.

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