Morning Sunshine

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 At some point during the movie, you both had dosed off. It had been getting late, but you didn't realize you were that tired. You lifted your head up off of J-Hope and shook him to wake him. "Wha, wha?" He asked startled. You laughed at his jolted reaction. "We fell asleep," you informed him, he blinked sleepily. You both looked up at the clock that hung above the tv. It was two in the morning.

"Why don't you just stay the night? We can just go to bed," you suggested, hoping he would say yes. J-Hope stared at the clock and realized how tired he felt, he nodded slowly. You stood up and turned off the tv. 

"Come on, let's get cleaned up for bed," you gestured for him to follow you. He stood up slowly, still half asleep. You walked into the bathroom and rummaged around until you found a toothbrush that was still in its package. You handed it to him. You grabbed your toothbrush next and squirted some toothpaste on it. Rinsed it off and started brushing your teeth. Hobi did the same.

You both brushed your teeth in sync. You bumped your hip into his playfully, he laughed with the toothbrush in his mouth. The two of you finished with that and then you washed your faces. He followed you into your bedroom and you moved the covers down. "You get comfortable, I'm going to get changed," you explained and rummaged around for some leggings and a big shirt to sleep in. You pulled them out and headed back into the bathroom to get changed.

When you came back, J-Hope was already inside your bed, you noticed his jeans and shoes sitting on the floor by the bed. You giggled to yourself. 'J-Hope in my bed, wearing only boxers.' You thought and had to stop from fanning yourself. 

You turned off the lamp and crawled into your bed. You turned on your side and faced Hobi who was laying on his back. J-Hope then turned on his side to face you, you were only a foot apart. You scooted closer and kissed his lips gently, "goodnight gorgeous," you said sweetly, and he giggled a little bit. "Goodnight," he said back, you could hear the smile in his voice even though you couldn't see it.

You woke up startled in the middle of the night when Hobi had laid his arm around your waist in his sleep. He pulled you closer to him and was spooning you. You smiled to yourself and then drifted back to sleep.

You woke up and instantly thought last night was a dream. But judging by the warm body that was pressed up against your back, it was real. You didn't want to move, Hobi was holding you while he slept, and it made you so happy. You turned around under his arm and looked at his sleeping face. He was so adorable, his cute face smushed against the pillow. You leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose kindly. 

He stirred awake and looked at you, blinking away the sleep. You smiled sweetly at him, and he gave you a sleepy grin back. "Mooorning," you said almost singing sweetly. You kissed his nose again and giggled. "I really like your nose, it's so cute," you said feeling your face burn at your own actions. Hobi smiled at the sweetness, he ran the back of his hand against your cheek softly. "I like your everything," he confessed, and you blushed deep red.

"Go take a shower, I'll make you a coffee." You patted his knee and rolled out of bed. "Okay!" He gave you that bright smile. His smile was so perfect, it made your flutter each time you saw it. You turned on your coffee pot and started brewing a pot. You heard the shower start up. Once it was done, you poured some into a glass and added some almond milk, sugar, and lots of ice cubes.

You were feeling pretty hungry yourself, so you pulled out some eggs and bacon from the fridge. You fried some bacon first and then cooked some scrambled bacon. You were thankful Ashley wasn't up yet to judge you about how J-Hope stayed the night. You knew she would get the wrong idea. Nothing had happened.

Hobi walked into the kitchen, all fresh, clean and his lovely brown hair fluffy again. You handed him the ice coffee and smiled. "Thank you!" He sang happily and eagerly took a sip. "Ah, delicious!" You giggled, "do you want some eggs and bacon as well?" Hobi nodded his head quickly, "oh yes please!" You dumped some scrambled eggs and a few strips of bacon on a plate and handed it to him. You added some to a plate for yourself and sat down at the kitchen table. "How did you sleep?" You asked him, handing him a fork. "Great!" He said with a luminous smile.

J-Hope took a bite of eggs and then a bite of bacon and was thrilled. "Yum!" He sang and danced around in his seat. You giggled at him; he was beyond adorable. Always so happy and bright like the sun. You stabbed a few pieces of eggs and put them in your mouth. Hobi broke a piece of bacon in half and stuck them underneath his upper lip, imitating a walrus. You busted out laughing and spat out some egg, and then started choking. "You okay?!" He asked hurriedly, worried. You nodded and tried to stop coughing. "Yes, you're just too adorable," you shot him a wink and he grinned.

After breakfast, Hobi informed you he had to leave. You pouted at him, and he giggled. "Not my sunshine leaving me," you said whining. Hobi grinned timidly with his dimples, "I like that you called me your sunshine." You got up and kissed him lovingly on the cheek, "I like that I can call you that." 

J-Hope went to kiss you, but you quickly picked up a leftover piece of his bacon and held it in between your lips and his, he kissed the bacon. His eyes shot open at the odd texture and busted out laughing, his mouth wide open and clapping his cute little hands together. "Oh, I'm sorry," you said sarcastically, "let's try that again." J-Hope pressed his lips to yours for a goodbye kiss. You began to miss him before he was even gone.

He got up and made sure he had everything, phone, wallet, etc. "Bye handsome," you called after him before he went for the door, he smiled back at you and gave you a fingerheart. "Bye beautiful," he said back. You blew him a kiss goodbye, he caught the imaginary kiss and put it in his pocket. "For later," he said, smiling so brightly it was almost blinding. He opened the door and was gone. Your heart immediately felt like something was missing. You adored his presence so much.

Ashley opened her door and whispered from the crack. "Is he gone now?" You looked over at her startled and nodded. She walked out and was giving you such a cheesy sneer. You rolled your eyes, "let's hear it," you said, wanting to get it over with. "Are you two a thing now? He spent the night?" You nodded, "yes we are dating." Ashley ran over to you and gave you a tight hug. 

"Did you guys do...the nasty?" You busted out laughing at her phrasing. "No we did not. We just sleep in the same bed, it was wonderful." Ashley grinned at you; she couldn't help but be happy that you were happy.

"I don't get any breakfast!" Ash asked outraged, you giggled innocently. "Sorry, there wasn't enough bacon for us all. She huffed and crossed her arms. Then her face softened. "I'm going to miss you when you go away for a few months." Her shoulders sank and you went to hug her. 

"I'll text and call you constantly!" She nodded, hugging you back. "When are you seeing your boyfriend again?" She asked and you shrugged. "We didn't discuss that, probably in a few days." Ashley busted out laughing, "Yeah because you were too busy smooching!" She made a kissy face, mocking you. You shoved her and laughed. You'd miss this when you were gone. It was annoying right now, but it was something you'd miss.

 It was annoying right now, but it was something you'd miss

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