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After your breakfast/lunch with your lovely boyfriend, Hobi stood up. "I've got to go, we are filming some of the music video today, just us." You inadvertently pout, not wanting him to feel bad about having to leave, but just instantly missing him. 

You lunge at him, hugging him tightly. "Okay sunshine, I'll see you tomorrow at the shoot?" Hobi smiled and nodded yes. You smash your lips to his, just wanting to feel his body against you, he held onto you tightly. You kissed him for several minutes, not wanting to part. But eventually you did. You sighed, immediately missing the contact with his lips.

"Bye sweetheart, text me if you need anything." You nod and wave bye to him. J-Hope leaves out of the hotel door, and you frown to yourself. You knew you were being selfish, but you didn't want him to go. Making a mental note to handle these types of things better, you vowed to do better. You couldn't be stingey. You couldn't keep him to yourself at all times, J-Hope needed to do what he does best, make ARMY happy.

Deciding to venture out into the world of Seoul, you leave your hotel room. You were anxious as you walked around, luckily the mall that Hobi mentioned was within reasonable walking distance. You headed off in that direction. Absorbing the sights, the people walking by, the smell of street food wafting in the air floating around you. You were glad that you already ate, or you would be starving right now.

You looked up and saw a digital billboard of BTS sporting their FILA sportswear. You grinned to yourself when Hobi appeared on the screen, he looked so handsome. They all did, but you only had eyes for J-Hope really. Sure, you had been bias-wrecked on numerous occasions. Like when Jimin would perform Serendipity live, you would be in awe at how smoothly his body moved. You would drool when he would show off his toned stomach.

Jungkook had about killed you when he performed "My Time," you were indeed drooling at that point. But something about Hobi always pulled your attention and eyes to him and only him. You would seek him out in every video and just stare at him, unable to tear your eyes away. He was so captivating, not that the other boys weren't, but it was different with him. He truly had your heart. Now that you had fallen for Hoseok and even slept with him, you didn't see the other members in certain ways anymore.

Sure, Suga doing his happy dance with a giant smile on his face tugged at your heart, and you smiled especially hard when RM would happily jump up and down, but you only had eyes for J-Hope now. He has stolen your heart and that scared you. You swallowed nervously. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you have fallen for him. Whether he knew it or not, he had your whole heart in the palm of his hand.


You entered the mall and looked around, passing each store until one snagged your attention. You liked how the mannequins were dressed in the store window. You strolled inside and looked around. You didn't have a ton of free money, but you did have some. You wanted a nice outfit for the video shoot.

The more you thought about the music video shoot tomorrow, the heavier your shoulders felt. There was so much riding on your performance. You needed to do your absolute best. You needed to dance harder and more passionate than you ever have before. You would be in the same proximity of BTS, and they deserved your finest. You wanted to make them and Hobi proud.

You fingered around on clothing racks, picking out a few choices that you liked. You chose a cute jean vest and this flowy, lacy off-white top, it hung on your shoulders and had bell sleeves. You were already wearing jeans a similar color to the vest you picked out, so going into a dressing room, you tried everything on. It was a super cute combo. You brought your phone out and took a picture of yourself in the mirror. You attached it to a text message and sent it to Hobi. 

"Does this look okay on me?" You sent it and put back your normal clothes on.

You shopped and nosed around more as you waited for J-Hope to text you back, after ten minutes he did. You smiled at the text, knowing you could purchase your choices now.

"You look like an angel, my dear."

You walked up to the register and was rung out. The cashier was very nice and complimented on your choices. "This will be super cute together." She spoke English perfectly and you were relieved there wasn't a language barrier. "Thanks! I thought so too!" You handed her your card, she gave you the receipt, your card, and your bag to you. "Have a great day!" You nodded and told her the same.

As you were leaving the mall, you noticed a K-Pop store, you walked in and found the BTS corner. You were overwhelmed with all the cute merchandise. You were drawn to a shirt that said "Hope" on the front and on the back, it said '94.' You picked it up, planning to purchase it.

You were about to walk away when a cute blue horse caught your attention. You picked up a phone case that would fit your phone perfectly. It was 'Mang,' the cute cartoon character that represented J-Hope. You carried it in your arms as well and walked up to the register. You didn't want to spend too long in this store, or you'd buy everything your eyes landed on.

Placing your items on the counter, the cashier smiled broadly at you. "A J-Hope fan, always nice to see." You smiled brightly. "Yes, he's amazing." The cashier nodded, agreeing completely. "He doesn't get enough appreciation. He's a phenomenal dancer and an even more amazing person." You quickly agreed with her. "Yes! Thank you for saying that! He deserves the world."

You took your bag from the nice cashier and wished him a good day. You left the store and went to exit the mall. You got a text from Ashley as you were walking back to the hotel.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I just did some shopping. I got a cute outfit for the video shoot."

"Oooh, let me see!"

You sent the picture you took earlier to her, and she immediately responded that she loved it. You were missing Ashley, you were gone for only 3 days now, but it felt much longer. The two of you spent so much time together. You became fast friends on the first day of college. She was like a sister to you, now she always believed in you and was always there to support you. You loved her.

Your phone dinged again, and you got an email. It was a reminder about the shoot tomorrow. It gave you a location and a time to be there. You typed the address in your phones GSP to see how far away it was from where you were. 

The location was out in the middle of nowhere! What the heck were you doing filming out there? You were genuinely curious. You couldn't wait to see what Big Hit had cooked up this time. Their music videos were always top tier and always visually stunning. You still couldn't believe you were about to be included in one. 


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