Practice Makes Perfect

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 Once Ashley and you were back at your shared apartment, you bombarded her with J-Hope videos. "Wow, the man can dance!" She was impressed. "These songs are bangers too!" She had been vibing to all the music videos and live stages you had shown her. "Do you think I should go?" You asked her, genuinely. "Do you think I'm good enough?" She hugged you, "Heck yes! We will practice even more though!" Ash was a great friend. Really bubbly and positive. Actually, she kind of reminded you of J-Hope.

 You ended up showing her a few more videos before it started getting late in the night. Ashley finally spoke up. "Let's go to bed, we've got class tomorrow." You agreed and split up, going  into your rooms.

6am came suddenly, you slide the bar of your alarm going off on your phone. You sat up and stretched. You could hear Ashley making breakfast smoothies in the blender in the kitchen. You turned on 'Black Swan' by BTS and began your morning stretches. Then followed by some yoga. Flexibility, balance, and strength is most important for a dancer. You needed to keep up your endurance.

After you finished your morning routine, you went to drink the smoothie your roommate made. "Yum, Ash!" It was a strawberry banana smoothie. You took a quick shower afterwards and threw your hair up in a loose bun. It was time for class!


Ashley and you decided to get some sub sandwiches after class. While you had your mouth full of food, she reminded you. "We've got to practice now. We have to make sure your form and lines are perfect!" You swallowed your bite and nodded. "Yes! Let's go to the practice studio."

You both scarfed the food down and walked over to the dance studio nearby. The two of you always practiced there; it was closer than the practice room at our college. You brushed up on all different genres of dance. Since neither of you had any idea what genre they were looking for, you covered Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Ballet, Breakdance, and some Modern and Street dancing. You tried your best to guess what they might be looking for.

Your butt hit the wood floor, you were exhausted, sweat pouring down your face. "You did great hon! But you're break dancing was a little loose." Ashley was always there to be honest with you. You nodded and wiped your eyes with your shirt. "Okay, we will focus on that tomorrow. I want to focus on Hip-Hop and Street dancing more. Those are some of J-Hope's strong suits, and I don't want to disappoint him." Ashley shook her head at you. "You're not dancing for him; he might not even be there. Focus on passing the first audition." You're glad she was here with you. Ash always kept you grounded.


The next 5 days were about the same. We would attend class when it was held, then practice for hours. You spent probably 20 hours combined practicing. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, and you weren't taking it lightly.

Monday, the day of the audition came. You looked in the mirror, you had lost quite a bit of weight from all the practicing you had been doing. "Hey! What should I wear?" You yelled at Ashley in the other room. She came into your room and looked at the clothes you had laid out. "Wear that cute Rolling Stones crop top, those high waisted black skinny jeans and those glittery red converses." You smiled brightly at her. "That's perfect!"

You got dressed and performed your daily stretches in the clothing, to ensure your mobility was there. You made sure to wear a sports bra underneath your crop top so you wouldn't flash anyone. You walked out of your room shaking your hands and feet. "I am soo nervous, Ash!" She looked you up and down. "Whew, you look great!" You giggled at the compliment and covered your face. "Should I wear makeup?" She shook her head. "I think you're most beautiful without makeup, plus you'll just sweat it off."

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