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You pause a torturously long time. Hobi fidgets with his hands being anxious. Your mouth spreads into a smile, it reaches to your eyes. "I'll stay here, with you." J-Hope's face lights up like a firework in the night, his eyes sparkling with pure happiness. It was infectious, you smiled bigger now. 

Hobi wraps you up in a tight hug, giggling with joy. "You will?! You are sure?" He was practically yelling in your ear. You chuckled.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life, sunshine." Hobi holds you impossibly tighter and you cough and giggle trying to catch your breath. This man was stronger than you thought. "I'm so happy sweetheart! We have so much to plan!" 

You chuckle as he lessens his tight hold. "Yes, we do, even though Ash is pretty mad at me." You bury your face in his shoulder. "Give her time, she will come around. She loves you and she will figure out this is best for you."

"What did I do to deserve you?" You say quietly against his body. He laughs softly, "I ask myself the same question about you." A tear of happiness escapes your eye. Everything was perfect now; this was all you ever wanted. A happy relationship with a wonderful man who loved you as much as you loved him. Hoseok was who you were looking for your whole life and it's baffling that you found him and was lucky enough for him to love you back.

"What made you want to stay?" Hobi asks, pulling back to look deeply in your eyes. You shift your body, not sure if you should tell him the truth. You stare into his kind eyes. This man had a heart of gold and would never judge anyone, especially you. He made you feel utterly safe.

"It was mostly you." You grin and he smiles brightly back at you. "Just me?" You laugh. Just J-Hope. What a thing to say, there was nothing simple about him. "Well, I also had a dream last night," You speak softly, judging his expression. He just smiles at you, with nothing but love in his eyes. "A dream?" You nod gently.

Clearing your throat, feeling shy. "I had a dream where I was sitting in a living. It was a lovely home; the walls were littered with canvas photos. Each canvas was a picture of you and me." You trail off, not wanting to say the rest. "It was our house?" Hobi asks, grinning, loving the thought that you dreamed about a future with him.

"Mhm," you bite on your bottom lip nervously. "Was that all?" You shook your head. You hide your face in your hands and Hobi giggles. He grabs your hands and pulls them down. "What is it?" You re-cover your face and try to hide deep inside your tiny hands. "I don't want to say..."

Hobi giggles and removes your hands again. "Darling, you can tell me anything." And he meant it, you knew that. You just were too embarrassed to say the words out there, in the open. You felt like saying what you saw would jinx the two of you. Putting the idea out there in the universe would somehow ruin what you had. But you knew that was silly.

"My attention in the dream was focused on a photo that was above a fireplace." Hobi nods enthusiastic, wanting you to continue. Your eyebrows draw together. "The picture was us, on our wedding day, we were cutting a piece of cake. The smiles on our faces were huge." Hobi's smile spreads across his entire face, his eyes curling up into sweet crescent shapes. "We were married?" He snickers delighted. "Yeah, that's not all." You hide your face again, not wanting to say it. Hobi asks what is next.

"I was...We were..." You stuttered, your face going through all kinds of emotions. This was the reason you were hiding it in your hands. "I felt something move inside me in the dream, I looked down and I was pregnant." You squeeze your eyes shut, wanting to disappear from existence. There is silence, too much silence. Hobi was never quiet. Never.

Terrified, you peeked through the slits of your fingers. Hobi was looking off, somewhere, you weren't sure where. He had the sweetest, happiest small smile on his lips. "Well, I do want four kids," He finally says, and you let out the breath you were holding. You remove your hands and smile at him. "You'd be an amazing dad." He would be.

You could see Hobi as the type of dad that would always be rolling around in the floor with the kids, fake wrestling. He would always dance and sing to them to make them happy. You could see him being the sweetest man when it came to your pregnancy. He would do everything in his power to make sure everything went smoothly. 

You envisioned Hobi teaching your baby to speak. He had patience for days. He already had experience with the younger BTS boys, he always seems like a parent figure. He had a hand in raising Jungkook. It's no wonder that boy turned out so well. Look at the brothers who raised him.

J-Hope leans in and kisses your lips tenderly, bringing your mind back to the present. "Let's move in first, then we will figure out the rest." He gives you a cute wink and you blush. The whole dream didn't put him off. He seemed to rather like it. "Okay." You say and grin at him. He wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your head. "I love you sweetheart." Your stomach explodes in butterflies as it always does when he speaks those words. "I love you too sunshine."


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And that's the end of this book!

I actually went through so many emotions as I wrote this.

I tried to make it realistic. No life is perfect.

But when one door closes another opens.

I'll probably write a second book to this.

But for now, this delulu world ends.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it.

I always imagine my writings as movies,

And try to find a fitting song to end with.

If you liked this book, please comment or star it.

Thanks again!


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