Dark, Without Sun

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You startled awake at the sound of pounding on your hotel door. You squeezed your dry eyes together and remembered what transpired. Your heart began to ache again. It was dark outside now; you must have slept for over 6 hours.

The banging on the door continued and you heard a voice yell your name from outside. You knew who it was. It was Hoseok. You didn't wish to see him. It was best to end everything here. He would be separated from you, and you deserved none of this. Neither did he. All you did was enjoy his company and love him and look where it got you. Your heart felt a sharp pain of sorrow as you thought about it.

The pounding stopped finally, and you rubbed your eyes. You looked at your phone and saw you had so many texts from J-Hope.

"Why haven't you answered me?"

"They said they called you."

"Baby, please, please talk to me."

"I can't come to you right now, but I'll come as soon as the shoot is over."

"For now please tell me you're okay."

"Please, you're really worrying me."

Your eyes stung with new tears at the last text. You had hurt him; you didn't mean to. You passed out from mental and emotional exhaustion. It was your body's last resort to stop all the pain, to make you numb while it attempted to heal itself.

Your heart raced when you heard the digital lock being unlocked on your door. Someone was coming in, you panicked. He must have gotten a spare key from the front desk. You didn't know what to do, you wanted to hide, but before you could, you saw J-Hope rushing in. His eyes frantically scanning the room until they found you. He ran to you immediately and wrapped his arms around you.

"Hobi!" You croaked out, bursting back into tears. Your body shaking vigorously from the sobs leaving your mouth. Hobi only held you tighter, letting you cry against his chest. "I'm here baby, I'm here." He said softly, burying his face into your hair.

"Please...leave..." You whispered, your voice cutting in and out as you cried. Hobi squeezed you tighter. "No." He whispered, you shoved against his chest. "Go away! Don't you get it? We're over now!" You yelled at him, pressing all your weight against his chest but his grip didn't falter. "I'm not going anywhere." He murmured flatly, he held you impossibly close to him.

You inhaled deeply and it turned into a deep sob, you clenched onto J-Hope's shirt, soaking it with your broken heart. "Please leave. We can't together anymore." Your words were different from your actions. Your words told him to leave but your hold on his shirt told him to stay. 

"Yes, we can, stop saying that." Hobi replied to you, his own voice cracking. You were breaking his heart. To see you like this was killing him. He never lightened his hold on you, not even for a second.

The sobbing slowed finally, you realized you were out of tears again. Hobi pulled back and looked down at you. He lifted your chin so you would see his eyes. You looked into his eyes, his glassy with the tears he wouldn't let fall. Your lip quivered as you saw how upset he was. 

J-Hope held onto your face and made you stare at him. "I love you, you hear me? I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I'm going to make this right." You stared at him, your mind blank from his confession. The thoughts that were swirling violently around your head were dissolved, they disappeared.

"I love you too..." you mumbled, your voice hitching slightly. Hobi pulled you back into his arms and hugged you tightly once more. "Okay then. We love each other and with love anything is possible." His words lessen the cracking of your heart, it started to beat quicker for a different reason now.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, this is all my fault." Hobi said, his voice dripping with sadness and regret. You shook your head forcefully, trying to tell him that wasn't true. "No, you didn't do anything wrong." 

J-Hope pushed you back so you could look at him, his eyes still shiny. "It is my fault. I knew the rules but due to my selfishness I just got closer and closer to you. Before I knew it, I had fallen for you, and then it was all too late." You searched his eyes for a never-ending moment. 

Hobi leaned in and kissed your lips so softly you barely felt it. "I'll talk to them and if they don't change their minds then I'll come up with a new plan." Your heart smiled faintly, feeling somewhat better. What an incredible man you had fallen for. He was the sweetest human being on this planet, he was a literal angel. You truly didn't deserve him; you knew that much.

"It's all over Hobi, everything I did, every preparation I made, meant nothing." J-Hope could see you were spiraling back down, and he did the only thing he thought he could do to distract you. He pressed his lips to yours and kissed you more passionately than you've ever been kissed. He kissed you with so much love that your body melted, all your tense muscles relaxed, and your negative thoughts were abolished.

He pushed you down against the bed and crawled over you, not breaking the kiss. He then took off his shirt and leaned back down to kiss you again. Hobi kissed along your jawline, then pulled up on your shirt and removed it. He kissed on your collar bone, then down your chest and to your belly. He removed your pants next and came back up to your lips to capture them once more. He was going to do everything in his power to make you feel better, even if it was temporary. 


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