chapter 2 ~ 'nervous'

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I stand there in the bathroom trying to compose myself and take a deep breath, thinking about what he said. He'll never like me? Well he's going to have to fucking try and like me if we're getting married! He doesn't even know me yet. Merlin, he's such a stuck up cow who thinks he's too good for any one.

I already despise him with a passion. Who does he think he is? Wow, the Dark Lord's son. Congrats for being the offspring of a mass murderer with no nose. Yeah, I've seen his pictures in the Daily Prophet. He's an ugly twat.

Grabbing my things, I head out of the bathroom and bump into someone in the dark hallways. "Sorry." I mumble and look up to see Draco standing before me. "Oh, it's you. Hello." I say politely and he looks down at me with no expression.

"They're arranging your marriage downstairs." He says suddenly and I blink at his words.

"Yep, I know. How exciting." I roll my eyes.

"Do you even want to get married?" He asks me.

"Heck no. I don't even know this Mattheo guy. Plus, he's the Lord Voldemort's son."

"I pity you." He says walking past me and into some room so I follow him, not wanting to go downstairs at all.

"Where are you going?"

"My bedroom."

"You live here?" I ask, entering his grand bedroom, which is quite messy.

"Yeah, this is the Malfoy Manor." He tells me, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Right." I say. "May I sit down?" I ask, pointing to the spot next to him on his bed.

"Fine." He huffs and leans back on his bed, crossing his arms behind his head. "Close the door." I shut the door and make my way over to him, sitting beside him on his king sized bed.

"I never knew Elijah Sterling had a daughter." He says suddenly, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, he has a son too. Ten year old Liam." I say with a smile, missing him already.

"I don't think anyone knows about you two."

"He likes to keep his children hidden from anyone and everything. He just imprisons us in our home. We're not even allowed to go out when we want or on our own." I say looking at him. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you this."

"Don't worry about it. My father's quite similar to yours." He sighs and we just pause for a few moments, but it's not awkward, almost sad as we think about how shitty our fathers are. "We better go back or else they'll avada kedavra us both." He says, making me laugh as we stand up and finally head out of the room.

Wow, I made a new friend. An actual, friend. It's sad that I'm getting so excited about it, I haven't had one in a long time. "Where were you!?" My father seethes, rushing out of the dining room and grabbing my wrist tightly.


"She was with me." A deep voice suddenly says from behind me, grabbing my wrist off my father and holding it more gently than my father was. I turn around to be met with Mattheo Riddle himself.

"Oh, right." My father stutters nervously, making me laugh at the sight of him.I quickly shake my arm out of Mattheo's grip and I look at him blankly before he walks away, back into the dining room.

"That was chaotic." Draco whispers to me and I nod in agreement.

"Story of my life." I roll my eyes and I spot my father glaring at me. What does he want now?

"You'll be staying here for the night. All your stuff has been transported into a spare bedroom so pack your things because you'll be going to Hogwarts with Mattheo tomorrow." My father tells me and internally, I scream in excitement. Yes, I'll have to stay in the same home as Mattheo for the night but tomorrow, I'll be going Hogwarts, and I'll finally be away from my father!

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