chapter 8 ~ 'lake'

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I take my time to have a warm bath, bathing in the bubbles to try and calm myself down from the vents that took place before. I can't stop looking at his initials engraved on my wrist, my hatred only growing for him the longer I look. I don't want to be with him. I don't want anything to fucking do with him, but the fact that he makes me so bloody nervous, agitates me so fucking much.

I check the time and realise I have only half an hour before I have to meet up with Theodore in the common room. Merlin knows what he has planned for me. Annoyed that I don't have enough magic to get myself ready in an instant, I grab my blow dryer with a sigh and begin to blow dry my hair. I oil my hair down, trying to tame the frizz of my hair but it doesn't work, so I resort to straightening my hair.

Content with that, I do my skincare and choose some clothes to wear, making sure to cover the cut on my wrist. I take a deep breath, kind of nervous to meet Theodore because of what the girls told my earlier. He likes me?  I doubt it. We've only just met and I'm pretty sure we're just friends. Making my way to the common room, I find him sitting down on the sofas with Mattheo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise. Oh Merlin. This'll be good. As soon as I approach them, Theodore stands up with a smile. "You ready?"

"Yep." I reply, trying to keep my eyes on him but I can't help but notice Mattheo glaring at me. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says and I roll my eyes impatiently before he holds my hand and takes me out of the common room. As we leave, I hear Enzo and Blaise cheering.

"Have a good time!" Enzo shouts, making me laugh. Theodore rolls his eyes and then leads me out of the castle until we arrive at a shimmering lake.

"It's so pretty!" I exclaim, admiring the scenery.

"You like it?" He asks me with a smile.

"Yeah." I laugh. "Race you there!" I say and start sprinting towards the lake, with Theodore following on behind me.

"You're a fast a runner." Theodore says panting as he finally catches up with me. He takes out a blanket from his bag and places it in front of of a tree beside the lake. "I brought food." He says with a smile and my face immediately lights up as I jog over to sit next to him. He pulls out some sandwiches and Pepsi cans.

"Thank you so much!" I say happily as he hands me the food.

"No problem."

"So Theo," I say as I lean against the tree. "Tell me more about yourself."

"Nothing really much to know."

"Nah, I know you've got some deep dark secrets hiding there somewhere." I say, making him laugh. "So, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, actually. My little sister Cassie." He says as he opens his can.

"Aw, how old is she?"

"Ten." He says as he looks into the lake.

"Same age as my younger brother Liam."

"They should be friends." Theodore suggests. "She's really lively like my father was." He says as he looks down, seeming kind of saddened.

"Was?" Oh shit.

"Yeah, my father died in the Hogwarts war. He was on Voldemort's side so I'm quite ashamed." He shrugs. "But I miss him."

"I'm really sorry..."

"Don't be. It's his fault for being on the wrong side."

"You know, most death eaters were forced to fight with the Dark Lord... some of them didn't have a choice." I tell him and he shakes his head and continues to eat his food.

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