chapter 26 ~ 'the wedding'

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Willow's POV

I lay on the cold floor, attempting to move even just the tiniest bit, but nothing seems to work. I have no power left in me, no magic... nothing at all.

I'm hopeless. There's no one to come and save me, no one knows where I am. I should have been more careful and the only person to blame is myself.

And my pathetic excuse of a father of course.

Tears flood my eyes and I can't even move my hand to wipe them away. This is fucking torture.

Suddenly, I hear loud piano music playing in the floor above me. Wait... it sounds like... wedding music? You know the type they play when the bride walks down the isle.

Oh fuck.

It can't be.


He did this on purpose. My screams won't be heard from these dungeons but I'll be able to here every single thing that goes on up there. What kind of mental manipulation is this?

What kind of father does this to their child?

I look around, feeling a little bit of hope. Maybe I can save myself. If Mattheo is here, maybe the boys are too. Maybe they'll help!

No. Don't get ahead of yourself  Willow. How can they? They don't even know you're here.

A vent! My eyes open wide to find a vent on the wall about two metres away. If only I can drag myself to reach it, I can escape, or at least just listen to what's happening up there. Or scream for help.

Okay, pull yourself together Willow. You can do this.

I close my eyes and using all the power I have left I push myself forward, attempting to slide across the floor. I manage to only budge a little, but it's two metres away!

Merlin, please help me! If I carry on budging maybe I'll get there.

I take a deep breath and budge once again, using all my strength.


Mattheo's POV

My eyes are locked on the devil himself as he walks down the isle, arm in arm with Valerie. She looks up at me with a great smile across her face, making me want to puke.

At that moment, I notice something in Elijah's eyes... a new darkness. There's always been darkness there before but this one is different. He looks to bloody sure of himself right now... something ain't right.

I look over to Theodore who nods his head. Merlin, this better work.

Author's POV

As the bride and Elijah make their way to the stage, everyone watches intensely, the boys not moving their eyes off the devil, and their leader.

The ceremony begins and suddenly, Elijah starts speaking. "I'd like to thank you all for being here at this most gracious moment, the day my daughter is to be wed to the most prestige of wizards."

Everyone's jaws drop.

"Daughter!? As in-" Enzo exclaims over the chattering voices.

"Valerie is Willow's sister!?" Blaise adds.

The boys look at Mattheo in confusion, but notice that he has his wand at the ready, tucked in his sleeve behind his back, waiting to come out.


"What's going on up there?" Willow whispers to herself, hearing a load of chatter. She managed to make it to the vent somehow, now able to hear everything.

Wait, is that my father's voice?

Willow's jaw opens when she hears what her father has to say. "No-no way. It can't be! She can't be my sister-" Her breathing rate starts to quicken, as a drop of sweat rolls down her forehead.

"No, he's lying!" She exclaims. "He's only doing this to torture me! He's lying! It's all lies!"


"Right, we shall begin with the wedding vows." Mikael clears his throat and everyone watches eagerly.

"When's he going to give us the signal?" Blaise whispers to Nott.

"I don't know, but he better give it soon."

Mattheo and Valerie turn to face each other and Valerie holds out her hands for Riddle to hold. He scoffs in his brain, looking at her in disgust.

He takes her hands and Mikael begins. "Do you, Valerie Sterling, take Mattheo Marvolo Riddle to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She pauses for a second and gazes into Riddle's eyes. "I do."

"And do you Mattheo Marvolo Riddle take Valerie Sterling to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"OBJECTION!" Enzo exclaims, shooting up from his seat. The boys and Riddle instantly take their wands out, pointing it at Elijah.

"Ah, I see how it is Riddle." Elijah says, letting out a menacing laugh. "Well, you've picked a fight with the wrong man!" With that, Elijah throws a spell at Mattheo, but he immediately dodges it, sending a counter attack which slices Elijah's cheekbone.

"What on earth is going on!?" Valerie exclaims, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mattheo! We're meant to get married!"

"We were never going to rat. Now, Esmeray, let's get this over with!" Mattheo says, casting spells back and forth at Elijah, shattering decorations and glass along with it. The guests scream in fear and begin rushing out of the hall, some death eaters among the crowd staying behind to join the fight.

Some of which, have stayed loyal to Riddle, others however, claimed by Elijah.

"Theodore! Where's Willow!?" Enzo reminds him, sending Nott sprinting out of the hall, trying to find Willow. On the way, he encounters some of Elijah's pesky death eaters.

"Traitors! You serve Riddle!" Theodore exclaims.

"Not anymore." One of them replies with an evil grin, holding out their wand as they cast a spell.

Theodore successfully dodges it but he's outnumbered. He gets taken down with a few spells but that's when Blaise comes in, chasing after the death eaters with a counter attack.

Theodore gets up off the ground and rushes to the basement to find Willow. "She has to be here!" He shouts, panting as he becomes breathless, running all over the place just to find her.

"Theo? Theodore I'm here!" Willow exclaims, hearing the voice of her best friend getting nearer by the second. "Oh thank Merlin!"

Eventhough his girl has been found, the fight still continues between Mattheo Riddle, and the devil himself, Elijah Esmeray.

Merlin knows what will come out of this.

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