chapter 27 ~ 'outsmarted'

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Willow's POV

"Theodore! I'm too weak to move!"

"It's okay Willow! I just got to get this thing open and we have to get you to Riddle straight away!" He says, taking his wand out and attempting to open the jail cell.

Suddenly, the spell reflects back at him, resulting in Theo flying back and colliding with the wall behind him.

"Theo! Are you okay!?" I exclaim, looking over at him as I remain laying on the cold stone floor. I feel useless.

"There's no use! Your father used his magic to imprison you! There's no way we're opening this." Theodore tells me, but suddenly, it clicks.

"No." I say. "My magic. Not his. He took my magic away from me and used it to trap me here. That can only mean one thing."

"You're making no sense Willow! He did what?" Theodore asks me in confusion, standing up and holding his wand out again to the lock.

"Theo, it's okay your magic won't work against his. But there's magic in these metal bars. All I have to do is siphon it out." I tell him, using the remaining hope and strength in me to budge towards the metal bars.

"Siphon the magic out!? Will that work!?"

"It should do. Never done something like this before, but it's worth a shot if it gets me out of here." I say weakly as I drag myself across the floor, wincing in pain.

"What if it deflects you too and sends you flying back like it did to me!?" Theodore says worriedly. "You're already so weak, we can't risk that!"

"I'm willing to take the risk Theo." I say with all seriousness, concentrating my energy to my muscles, when finally I'm within reach of the bars barricading me in this torturous cell.

Theodore gulps and kneels down on the other side, holding my hand. "Siphon some magic out of me."

"Are you crazy!? No! It'll only make you weaker to fight my father! I know what's going on up there I can hear everything. Let go Theo."

"You need the power more than me!" He says, and I look up into his eyes that are full of worry and... sadness.

"Put your faith in me Theo. You can trust me with this, please." I say, giving him a reassuring smile. He lets go of my hand and I grab the metal bars, closing my eyes shut and concentrating hard.

I can already feel the magic that's entrapping me in here. "I can feel it. It's working!" I tell Theodore and he laughs in hopefulness.

I use my other hand to grab onto another metal bar and I let the magic of the spell that my father imprisoned me with flow into me.

See father, I fucking outsmarted you. Dumb prick.

As soon as I've siphoned all the magic, the bars immediately turn to dust and I feel my strength returning in an instant.

I stand up and embrace Theo in a long awaited hug. "It worked." Theodore laughs in relief, holding onto me tightly. "Also, can I ask- what are you wearing?"

I look down at the white gown that I've been wearing since the changing rooms where I got captured.

"Don't ask." I laugh.

"Right, we better go. Mattheo is waiting for you."

With that, we sprint our way back to the hall, casting spells at any traitorous death eaters that come our way.

Making our grand entrance, we kick the doors open, entering the hall to find all heads turned towards us.

I catch a glimpse of my father and his face drops.

Then, I lock eyes with him. Mattheo. His eyes light up and he rushes towards me, gripping onto both of my hands and looking down at me with much concern. "Are you okay!? Are you hurt!? Please tell me you aren't hurt!" He says panicking.

"Mattheo," I laugh. "I'm completely fine! Don't worry. Now let's get rid of this bastard."

"Here, take some of my magic." He tells me.

"I can't! You need it."

"You need it more, he's your father."

"And he's after your throne."

"Well you gave me some magic before this in your dorm, that was evil of me. So now, take it back."


"Are you guys seriously arguing right now?" Enzo says, looking back at us as he fights off Elijah's minions.

"Okay okay!" I say rolling my eyes. My hands are already locked with Mattheo's so I close my eyes, concentrating as I siphon as much magic I need, leaving some so Mattheo is powerful enough to fend for himself.

"Now let's go kill this bastard." Riddle says once I'm done. I nod my head but before we go, he pauses and takes a moment to look me up and down. "Nice dress." He smirks.

I feel my cheeks going red. "Fits the occasion." I shrug and then we both rush up to Elijah, shooting balls off fire at him, some of which he dodges but I manage to burn off the side of his face.

"Not as bad as raising your daughter to be a murderer now, is it!?"

"I didn't raise you to be anything. You were born a murderer, and you will always be one." He says evilly, even as he's stumbling back in pain from my strike.

"Motherfucker." Mattheo mutters. We both continue throwing spells at Elijah but suddenly, I'm thrown back and I collide into the guests chairs.

I groan in pain and shakily stand up, finding Valerie on the stage with her wand, looking down at me evilly.

"I forgot you fucking existed for a minute there. Meet your death, bitch." I spit, standing up and using my power to burn off half her face too. "Aw, now you're matching with daddy!"

"Fuck you Willow! Mattheo doesn't love you!" She screeches, stumbling back and running away.

"That's what I thought, stupid bitch."

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