chapter 22 ~ 'streets'

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Willow's POV

I've decided to get my life together. No one is here to help me and I've come to the decision that I'm okay with that. I am definitely not going to rely on anyone or anything because there's no one to trust... and no one trusts me.

I've ruined my friendship and... whatever-ship that I had with Theodore, Mattheo wants nothing to do with me and my father is out to kill me, which is great. Also the rest of the friend group are just confused and have no clue what's going on with me right now.

To be honest, I hated Riddle in the beginning so hopefully that hatred is slowly returning so I don't turn back to him for anything. I do not need him. Oh and I've come up with a theory that he was only using me and my powers. He never liked me or loved me.

It was all so he could kill my father more easily seen as though he is out for Mattheo's throne. My father, being 'leader of the death eaters'? That'll bring much joy to the world (note the extreme sarcasm).

I put on my trainers, grab my water bottle and head out of the school towards the lake. A little jog will help clear my mind and boost my adrenaline. Also, trying to get fit will only benefit me when Elijah comes to kill me.

As I'm jogging, I spot what looks like Blaise and Luna sitting by a tree with a picnic blanket out. Passing by them, Luna waves at me. "Hello Willow." She says sweetly.

"Hey guys. What are you doing out here so early in the morning?" I ask them with a smile, raising my brows at Zabini.

"A lil date by the lake with the morning breeze to comfort us." Blaise shrugs and I notice Luna blushing.

"Aw, well you two have a great time. See you around!" I continue with my jog, feeling happy for the two of them... but I can't help but think if that- that love could be possible for me and...

No. Never.

Shaking my head, I finish off my work out and head back to my dormitory where I have a shower and get ready for the school day ahead of me. Making my way to the common room, I bump into Valerie and let out a grunt. "For fucks sake. Had to ruin my morning didn't you Dickson?" I scoff.

"That's what I'm here for. You should know that." She grins and shoves past me. I groan in annoyance and make my way to my first class: potions. Merlin this will be fun.


"Do take your spell books out and turn to page sixty nine." The professor says, and Enzo sniggers from beside me.

"Typical Enzo." I laugh.

"Sixty nine is a great number." He jokes, raising his brows as I roll my eyes.

"Mr Riddle and Miss Dickson. Why are you late?" The professor asks angrily, as we all turn our heads to find Mattheo and Valerie stride into the classroom. Valerie's lipstick smudged and Mattheo's top button undone. My fist clenches and I look away and back at my spell book, trying to focus my attention to something else.

"Sorry Professor, we lost track of time." Valerie smirks and the professor rolls her eyes.

"Take a seat will you." She beckons and I keep my head down as they take their seats at the back of the class room. Sadly, the desks are arranged in a circle around the classroom, so I have direct view of the two of them. How nice.

The professor sets us some questions to complete with our partner. Whilst I get on with the task with Enzo, I can't help but notice Riddle's eyes on me. "You okay Willow?" Enzo asks me.

"Yes- No actually. Riddle won't take his eyes off of me." I groan.

"What happened with you two? Everyone is so confused." He asks.

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