chapter 7 ~ 'his'

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I wake up bright and early, ready for another day at Hogwarts. As I attempt to stand up, I instantly become dizzy and my vision suddenly becomes blurry. I sit back on my bed, trying to calm down. I know what this is. Sooner than later, I'm going to have to siphon. This lack of power is making me weak.

I get ready for school before meeting up with Pansy and Astoria. "Hey girl!" Astoria says happily. "We haven't seen you since the party."

"Hey guys. I know, I just didn't feel like staying." I shrug.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable with the whole Mattheo thing when we were playing truth or dare." Astoria apologised and I instantly start laughing.

"Merlin, I forgot about that! No don't worry, I found it extremely amusing." I laugh. No I didn't, that was absolutely embarrassing.

"It was so cute though! So now we know Willow officially likes Mattheo!" Pansy states and I cover my face in embarrassment. "Aw! Look she's blushing!"

"Honestly, I don't like him! I actually hate him and I don't know why I said yes when you asked that question." I reply and they just wiggle their eyebrows.

"Oh I heard we have a morning assembly." Pansy tells us so we make our way to the Great Hall, sitting at the Slytherin table with the boys. I sit beside Theodore and he sends me a smile before whispering into my ear.

"Meet me in the common room around about seven." He tells me.

"What for?" I ask excitedly.

"It's a surprise." He says and I look up to Mattheo sitting opposite us, sending us both a glare. I ignore him and pay attention to Enzo who sits beside him, chatting away.

"Do you guys have an idea what this random assembly is about?" He asks the lot of us.

"No clue." Blaise replies. "Oh, there's McGonagall now." He says and we all turn to look at the entrance as the old lady walks in and up to the podium.

"Settle down." She says loudly, catching everyone's attention. "I'd like to announce some important information that applies to all year groups. You will all be sitting important exams next week." She tells us and everyone immediately groans and starts complaining to their friends.

"Exams!? It's only the beginning of the year." Enzo exclaims, slamming his head on the table.

"Silence!" McGonagall shouts. "These exams are extremely important so your professors can see where you're at. So, please revise! The library will be open at all times, twenty four seven from now on."

"Twenty four seven!?" Blaise asks.

"So that means, there won't be a curfew for bedtime. You're all free to study for how long you want. But that only accounts for this week until the exams! It's a short notice so we are giving you this extra time to prepare." She says. "Now, that will be all. Enjoy your breakfast students.

"No curfew!" Enzo exclaims happily.

"Calm yourself Lorenzo." Draco says from beside Theodore. "It'll be for studying, not fucking girls all night." He says and everyone instantly starts laughing.

"You're one to talk." Enzo says as he kicks Draco underneath the table.

"We should all study together!" Pansy suggests. "We'll all meet up in Willow's dorm because it's the biggest and we can have a study night! It'll be really fun."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I reply and everyone starts nodding in agreement.

"How about we do it tonight, then miss a day then do it the next day after that?" Blaise suggests.

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