chapter 15 ~ 'jelousy'

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The potions class finally begins once everyone arrives but he's still not here yet. Thank Merlin, because I seriously can't deal with him today. I also wonder how he healed after I practically nearly chopped his leg off. "Miss Sterling, where is Mr Riddle?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Don't talk to me like that young lady! You and him seemed close, that's all." She says before turning around to her chalkboard as I roll my eyes. Yeah, maybe I should know where my fucking fiancée is but we're not on speaking terms right now, sorry Professor. Also we're not 'close', whatever that's meant to mean.

I take a piece of parchment paper out, remembering that I have to write back to Marcus. Taking my quill, I take a few moments to think about what I'm going to write. Like I can't sound too desperate, or too insensitive or ungrateful... Merlin, this is hard!

To Marcus,

I got your letter and I just wanted to say I'm missing you too. What you did for me was so selfless and kind, and I'm really super grateful. You saved me when no one else could and I owe you my life. And yes, hopefully we can meet again.

Love, W.S

I place the parchment in a small envelope and seal it, writing Marcus' name on the back. My owl will find him easily enough. She's clever.

"Excuse me." We hear Professor McGonagall clear her throat at the door, catching everyone's attention.

"Yes headmistress?"

"I'd like to introduce our newest student, Valerie Dickson. Please make her welcome." Professor McGonagall says befrore leaving.

"Come on in Valerie." The Professor says. "There's an empty seat beside Willow at the back. I'll just have to seat Mattheo somewhere else." Valerie approaches me and sits beside me with a smile on her face.

"Hi!" She says happily.

"Hello, I'm Willow." I say with a smile.

"I heard." She laughs and turns to face the Professor. Wow, that was rude. "So Mattheo used to sit here?" How does she know him? Oh yeah, everyone knows him. Sometimes I forget I'm marrying the Dark Lord's son, just slips my mind sometimes.

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Of course, he's my man." She snorts, playing with her long acrylic nails.

"Right." I scoff in amusement, genuinely thinking she's joking.

"Something amusing you, Willie?"

"The name is Willow love." I say, tilting my head with the fakest smile ever.

"Oh, I know." She giggles. Oh my Merlin! She's bloody taking the piss now. She's worse than Mattheo and that's saying something.

"So, Dick son. What school did you transfer from?" I ask her.

"I was homeschooled." She yawns.

"Really? Same. We relate so much." I snigger and continue to write down my notes.

"For sure. Twins!" She laughs and I look away, trying not to puke. God, why do I have to be put though with this!? The lesson finally ends, and as I pack up my things, Valerie pushes my books of the desk. "Oops, sorry." She says with a giggle before trotting away. I slam my book on the table in annoyance and storm out of the classroom.


"Someone, please. Stop me from killing Valerie, I can't take it anymore!" I groan, taking my knife out of my shoe and pointing it towards her.

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