C h a p t e r 2 0

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When I arrived at the hospital they set up the food at the table and I noticed that they've bought some other foods.

"Sakura-chan! We were waiting for you." Naruto said as he saw me walk towards them.

"Sorry I took a long time searching for place we could sleep in tonight, I found an Inn that is just near from here." I replied as I walk towards the drinks to get a beer. As I reached for it I accidentally hit the vase above the side table and I tried to catch it. Luckily another hand was also there to have caught it on time. "Sasuke .."

"Careful." Was the only words he said looking into my eyes. I felt a tingling sensation but then Sasuke looked away and he returned the vase back to it's position.

I went to Sai and sat beside him. They started eating and Sai passed me a plate and he was placing foods on the plate while I was holding it on my hands. As this was taking place, a kind of chill came through me and I gaze through the direction of Sasuke. I did not expect the emotions I caught in his eyes, he looked pissed and hurt as he looked towards my direction but then in an instant he shifted his view and also hid his emotions

This is really confusing. What's going on. Why do I feel this towards Sasuke.

But then the feelings and confusion was washed away again in just seconds.

"Itadakimasu!" Naruto and Obito happily said and dished on their mountain of food. Everyone was enjoying themselves, even Sasuke seemed to enjoy himself while chatting some things with Kakashi. They were drinking too much beer while I had enough with just one can. As the night deepen Naruto and Sai seemed wasted already while Kakashi and Sasuke was somehow drunk. Obito who did not drink and I were the only once who were sober enough to clean up the mess.

"I'll do this Obito-san, just stay in your bed." I said as he was about to stand and help me.

"Are you sure Sakura-chan?" He asked.

"Yeah, just help Kakashi-sensei to bed cause he might wake up with a beat up face hugging that floor." Obito carried his bestfriend up on the extra hospital bed.

"I wonna dwink sum moooooore!" Kakashi-sensei mumbled as he was being carried.

"Nee' Sai, do you think Tsunade-oba will ever get married?" Naruto said as he drunkenly talked with Sai.

"Naaaaah, 6th will die an old maid!" The drunk Sai also replied. Actually this is the first time I've seen him this drunk. He casually drinks with us back at Konnoha but not this much.

I punched their heads to awaken them from their wasted selves. "Hey both of you stop that talk and just get up and let's go to the Inn now. By the way where is Sasuke?"

"He went inside the c.r Sakura." Obito pointed towards the c.r.

I knocked on the door and heard some weird noises so I decided to open it.

"Sasuke, are you .." I was shocked to see him half naked because he took his shirt off.

"What?" He was also shocked to see me enter the c.r.

"Oh sorry I thought you were throwing up or something." I answered him.

"Some foods were spilled on me so I washed it off." He said while putting his shirt back on.

"Let's go now, visitor's time is almost over." I just turned around but I was so embarrassed to have seen him that way. Somehow a memory came rushing into me, it was like I saw Sasuke in a dark room which looked like mine and he was shirtless but then another zip-zap happen and I was back to reality.

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