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I was laying at the edge of my bed, so tired on how my day went with the funeral and the gathering we had. I thought about Sasuke then suddenly a sting seemed to tick in my neck and caught me off guarded. I cried with the sudden pain and tried to reach my mirror to check the cause. The crescent moon mark slowly highlighted itself. I decided to go to the hospital maybe Shizune-san is still there doing some late night reports and I might ask some medicines from her to cure this one.

"Mom, I will go back to the hospital." I shouted at my parent's door before I walked out of the house. The night was already old when I went out of the streets.

My thoughts drifted back at Sasuke as I passed my way through the silent streets of Konoha. I think about him and my feelings for him. My memory is about to erase him again but I fought it. I focused on retaining every single detail about him and I really felt that I am missing out something and it's something really important because why would he place a seal on me? Are my efforts never enough for him? Am I still no good? My thoughts got distracted by a shadow of a person. The shadow was walking to the other direction which seems to be the path towards the village gate. As the night breeze blew off the hood of the person, I realized immediately who it was. Sasuke. It must be him but why does he seem heading out of Konoha? I choose to chase after him and a sense of familiarity rushed over me. And I was scared it would be like it was before.

"It's the middle of the night. What are doing?" Sasuke said as he saw me blocked his way.

"I ... I saw you ... This road ... this is the only road out of the village." I was confused with what to say.

"Go home Sakura." He said and walked pass me. A few moments pass and he seemed to be taking farther steps from me. Everything seemed nostalgic for me like I came back to my 12 years old self again and it was like the worst night of my life is happening again.

"After all these years, do I still make you angry?" I spoke up fearing he might be walking too far away from me. "Do you still remember?"

"What is there to remember Sakura?" He replied coolly and decided to stop on his steps but still did not turn around.

"A lot of things seemed to start here. The first time I was able to talk to you alone and, then also the worst night of my life, the time that you left me." There was anxiety building up on me. All my feelings were rising and seem to fill all the quarters of my heart.

"You're still annoying." Sasuke turned to me but I can't seem to see his expression because the dark clouds has covered the moon and swept the light out.

"I regretted that night so much. If I was strong enough at that time ... if only I could have shown you that you can depend on me then maybe ... maybe you could have stayed." I wasn't able to hold it any longer and tears sprang from my eyes. "When you left, half of my heart left with you. I was still able to laugh, have fun, live my life but the happiness was only in half. It may not be like the loneliness you and Naruto had gone through before but it was so painful that I cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how badly I wanted to see you and be there by your side. Living with a half heart was a torment for me because Sasuke-kun, you ..." I was halted again by the consummation of the seal inside me.

"Hnnn?" He seemed curious what made me stop talking and took a few steps towards me.

The seal was slowly consuming the emotions I let loosed. It was swallowing up the fragments of memories I remembered about Sasuke. "IIE ! I won't be defeated by this. I can break this!" I said to myself rather than to him.

"Uchiha Sasuke!" I said in between my sobs. "Anata ... Anata no koto ga ... suki de suki detamaranai!!" I shouted the last words with the strong desire for my words to not only reach his ears but to pierce through his heart. And it was like a heavy weight was lifted off me. I was weightless for a moment then a huge wave came crashing through me, waves of memories, feelings and moments that I've shared with Sasuke. Every single bit came back and as I seemed to watch them play inside my mind, my hearts was in a daze with emotions I could not comprehend. And slowly two hands were placed on my shoulders and I looked up to see his handsome face.

"You ... are ... really ... annoying." He said with a smirk and then the next thing I knew was that his lips were already planted on mine. I engulfed him with my embrace and cling on to him, scared that he might get away again.

"Sasuke-kun... I-"

"If we were given the chance to go back into time... maybe ... I would choose to stay with you. If my heart wasn't clouded too much on revenge, then maybe I should have decided to just be happy here with everyone and ... with you." Sasuke never really revealed his thoughts too much. But tonight, tonight is different. The night is ours to own.

"I understand now your intentions. I am sorry that I doubted you. I'm really stupid." I cried and buried my face into his chest.

"Sakura, I see that you've broke the seal." And his grip on me became tighter. "Let's go home now."

Instead of taking me home. Sasuke took me to his apartment which was near the Hokage's office. His apartment was at the top most floor and rather than taking the stairs, he carried me bridal style and we lifted off the ground as he held be safely in his arms. He opened the door and then from the small living room he brought me to his room and laid me on the bed.

"Sasuke-kun ... I wanna tell you something." I said as I remembered the kiss I shared with Sai. I was scared to say it but I know he needs to know it. "I kissed Sai."

"I know." He said in a stern voice.

"How ... how did you know?"

"Because the kiss was just an illusion, he added some herbs in your food to try and recreate something that we've shared because he wanted to help you remember about me." Sasuke was now taking of his hood and coat. He was only left with his long-sleeved and pants.

"I get it now. The words he said to me were not clear but now everything is lighting up." I was feeling giddy and stood up to hug him.

"But still I will erase the memory of that kiss even if that was just an illusion." He said with a demanding voice. "Can I Sakura?"

Instead of words, I replied with a kiss that ignited the passion we had for each other. We picked up where we left off the last time we did this. But this time around it was more intense and the fire of desire burns brighter than ever. The feelings of longing and wanting to be with each other were swelling out from our hearts as we shed off the clothes we were wearing. Sasuke's kisses were so engaging that it does not make me pull out even for air. His hands travelled from places to places and then I whispered in his ears. "Let's go all the way to night. "

Sasuke stopped and then he looked at me with his fancy onyx eyes.

"It's Always You Sakura. The only girl I ever truly cared."


Author's Note: I am really sorry that it took me months to update. I was caught up in school and stuffs. Anyways it makes me so happy whenever I read a notification from a reader of this story. Thank you so much for all of your support guys. :) Thank you for staying in tuned. We've got one more chapter left and maybe a side story. :) Also I changed something in chapter 22 and 23 so that the plot gets connected with this chapter. So just comment, vote and follow. :) If you have any questions just ask me and I will reply asap. :) ^^

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