Final Chapter: I will wait for you

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The morning greeted me with Sasuke's cozy scent in the bed and a warm smell of coffee engulfing the room. I was already awake but decided to take in this moment for a while. I want to grasp everything; all the bubbling feelings in my heart that has been suspended by time and all the things I want to say yet words fail to give me its meaning.

I never thought that my feelings for Sasuke already grew this much. 

It all started with a silly like; all the girls in the village liked him so it wasn't that different before. Throughout our toddler years I have admired him until we started attending the academy. 

Fate and destiny had played their part for sure, being on the same team with him and Naruto was the most unexpected thing that ever happened to me. Imagine being stuck with the guy you admired from the start of your academy life, ain't I the luckiest girl in our village?

I laugh to myself remembering that silly old crush. But as silly as it is, I was able to get to know Sasuke better. The daily training and meetings we had in team 7 and the tiring yet action filled adventure on our missions had my eyes open; I started seeing him as the person he is and not just the object of my liking.

All that had gone pass us in those days had brought him closer in my heart that's why when he decided to leave the village, leave team 7 and leave me. 

A great hole has be scrap out of my heart. I really don't fully understand it why I was chasing him through it all.

Sometimes I wanna snap myself out of it or talk myself through and tell myself that Sasuke isn't the same anymore, but I never win against that doubt. My heart, it knew all along why I chase behind him. 

Through all the crimes he committed, most would have think I am a fool for wanting to redeem an unredeemable person but I had Naruto back then; One look into Naruto's bond with Sasuke also strengthens me.

 We were clinging on that slim glimmer of hope that maybe... maybe we could bring him back.

And we did.

Having him back, the real Sasuke that my heart always knew completed me like a desert being blessed by rain. All I wanted before was to have him back in our village, with our team and by our sides. But last night, I was sure that what I wanted was more. I want to be his.

I started touching the sides of the bed wanting to feel him but it was already empty. I was alarmed and stood up in an instant. I turned my attention to the coffee at the side table and saw a note beside it.

I'm with Kakashi. Take care.

I guess he has things he needs to settle. I found my clothes folded perfectly on the end of the bed and I decided to dress up since I still have a duty in the hospital.

It was a really fine morning walk to the hospital but I was kinda distracted of not being able to see Sasuke when I woke up.

What if he left without saying goodbye? What if he did not really mean what happened last night? What if it was all just a dream?

I snapped myself out of it but all those silly thoughts were running around my head as I was rounding with my patients and checking the files in in my office.

Suddenly a soft knock sounded and Shizune popped behind the door.

"Uh, Sakura-chan? Kakashi-... I mean the Hokage wants a word with you and he also asked if you can bring the files regarding that proposal the medical ninjas submitted." She said.

"Okay, uh can you finish checking on the files for this patient on my behalf?" I requested.

"Sure. Give it to me." And I handed Shizune the papers and took my leave.

Kakashi and I talked about the proposal of the medical ninjas about a construction of new hospital which caters only to ninjas. Then Kakashi also told me about the request of Sasuke after being pardoned and done with his task. He explained the situations to me and how all the leaders were able to be persuaded to approve into Sasuke's request.

It pains me to hear that he will be leaving again and we weren't really able to talk about anything regarding him leaving, but this time I was confident that he will eventually comeback. So I accompanied Kakashi-sense into the gates of Konoha to see Sasuke off.

After a few minutes Sasuke arrived, he was dressed, ready to take on the journey. He and Kakashi talked and Kakashi reminded him again of his situation and if he does something bad Kakashi's life is also on the line.

After talking with Kakashi, Sasuke gestured to me.

I was feeling weird with seeing him standing in front of me right after what happened last night. I really wanna hug him and cling into his clothes, begging him not to leave. But I tried to compose myself.

In the end I blurted what was on my head.

"Are you gonna leave?" I said shyly.

"I guess that's it." He replied.

"But you have things you wanna fix at your Manor right? And Tsunade and I are working on your eyes already...." I can't look him in the eyes so I lowered my gaze to the ground.

"Right now... I need to see this ninja world for myself. I must know what kind of state the world is in. I feel like I'm finally able to see all the things I've overlooked and missed up till now... And if I don't seize this opportunity... I might miss my chance to see with this kind of clarity again." His voice was calm and with a tone of making me understand what he feels inside.

"Well... what if... I asked you... to... uh... take me with you?"

"This is a journey of redemption for me. My sins have nothing to do with you. This is a road I must travel alone." He said softly but intently to make his point clear and to end the argument.

Nothing to do with me..? Ouch! After everything last night? His life has nothing to do with me?! My heart sank deeper than the ground I am standing.

And out of the sudden.

Sasuke's hands were gently tapping my forehead.

His touch were so soft yet it was like something was planted in there. A soft finger print that contains a lot of bottled emotions. We kissed and made love last night. But this... the gesture that he did just now. It sends me something, a feeling, which is better than all the kisses and hugs I might receive.

"I'll see you when I'm back." His voice was deep as he look at me intently in the eyes. "And thank you."

Everything inside me shivered and slowly warmth filled in my heart. His words were short but it relayed everything.

I understood now.

There are things that are far better felt than heard. There will always be that understanding between two people that no words can ever explain; you just feel it. And those things comforted me as Sasuke went on and started walking away.

And in the silence, with only our hearts to hear, I said the words ...

I will wait for you.

Which the wind blew towards him and he turned around and smiled back at me.

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