C h a p t e r 9

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We arrived at Ochi's haunted house, eeek! what I meant was his place. Naruto pounded the door.

"Hey scary looking pale snake-man. Are you in there?!?!" Everyone smirked with Naruto's words. Tehehe i wish Orochimaru heard that. The door slightly opened and the red head popped up again.

"Are you f*ckin' .... Sa-sasuke-sama!! I knew it you came back to save me. My knight and full of great darkness shinobi! You came for me." Gaaaaaaaah! That bitch is clinging on Sasuke! I wanna kill her on the spot now. >.<

Sai went near them and hit Karin on her forehead with an thing that looked like a huge metal hand fan then ..

"Itaaaaaai. Why did you do that ?!" Karin was thrown on the ground then she placed her hand on her head mending it.

"Oh it's a human Red head, I thought you were an insect experiment that was created to scare Sasuke." Sai said flatly. I chuckled on that and Naruto burst out laughing.

"Hmmmmp! Anyway why are you here again?" Karin shifted the topic.

"We need to see Orochimaru. Is he back already?" I answered here.

"Yeah. His inside, follow me." Karin lead the way into the dark halls of Orochi's creepy house. It was quite a long walk we took until we reached a larger door at the end of the hallway.


"Come on in." Orochimaru said before Karin was able to finish her sentence. She opened the door and we all entered in.

"Oh, welcome! I have been expecting your arrival." He said with a creepy greeting smile.

"I have orders from the Hokage to give this scroll to you." I said as I handed out the scroll and then Karin took it from my hands and gave it to Orochimaru.

"Hmmm yes, yes. I know this one. So Tsunade wants to learn this technique. Actually Kabuto can also teach this one but as I remembered the last time we tried to practice this one he had some difficulties."

"Kabuto is a little bit busy for now, he is dealing with some kind of sickness that takes a lot of chakra to be able to perform it." I answered flatly.

"Serving his punishment aye? hmmmm and how come I can see Sasuke here?" Orochi's creepy grinning face looked more scary while he is looking over at Sasuke.

"I just want to take somethings from my room here." Sasuke answered him directly, seeming a little bit pissed.

"Oh! I thought you are here to take Karin, she is such a good choice in restoring your clan." Orochimaru's words sent chills over me and my knees became weak as I took in what he had said. The aura seemed different inside the room and there was some what a lump forming in my throat. "Yet, our little pink kunoichi here is a better option."

"Hey creepy snake, can you stop talking about bullshits here? Hmmmp." Naruto broke the awkwardness of the moment.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Orochimaru's laugh reverberated on the corners of the room. " I was just joking earlier. Any ways Sakura, your hig skill level as Medical ninja is quite good to perform this jutsu. Shall we start now?"

"Ano, ahh, okay." Was all I could come up to say.

"Okay, Karin just lead them to the areas where they would like to go. Just not on the laboratory department. Suzaku is still not quite well, that dog might start to attack again."

"Hai!" Then they all left and then we entered another connecting door to the that room. We entered in a room with lots of medicine on the shelves and on the center was a table with something placed on top of it.

"This is my own special laboratory, only Kabuto was able to enter here besides myself. And now you are the 3rd one. In the middle of this room is an experiment I did with Kabuto, it is contained in a special jutsu sealed container and inside it is a body part of a human, that is where we will try to practice the jutsu Tsunade wanted to learn. It has special medicine and technique that preserves that body part. We have to do a jutsu before we start so that whatever effects it will do, it won't permanently harm the organ, and after we successfully finnished the jutsu we need to perform another jutsu to be able to slowly undo what we've experimented."

I was just quite the whole moment as we started to perform the technique. Orochimaru was good at teaching me how to deal with the procedure, it shocked me to see him in this way, all I ever thought about himis how ruthless he was for doing such things to Sasuke and killing a lot of people but then it seemed I'm seeing him in a different view. He was very patient as I kept on doing the procedure the wrong way. I thought it was easier for a well skilled med-nin like me but then this was really a high skilled jutsu. I did not notice the time that passed by, I only felt how long we've been there as I finally perfected it. As I was about to leave the room Orochimaru said something.

"Sakura, you're really something. You were able to hold on into Sasuke even after what he did to you. I know his considering you already, but I never thought he is this serious with his consideration."

"What do you mean?"

"That mark on your neck. That mark means something. But I am not on any position to say it. Any way you guys can stay the night, and before you leave tomorrow please come see me, I wanna give you something to hand over to Tsunade."

"Hnnn. I shall go. Thank you for teaching me." I said as I step out the room with a lot of thoughts in my mnid.


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