C h a p t e r 15

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I woke up with the sound of birds chipping on my window and as I opened my eyes the bright soft ray of the rising sun welcomed me. The weather was so fine and it seemed like a wonderful day is waiting ahead for me. This was like the first time in a long while that I had a deep and restful sleep. I got out of bed and stretched. My body feels so healthy and I feel like having a morning jog, it was still early though and I wouldn’t have anything to do today because it’s my day off from the hospital. So I changed into a training clothes and head out.

 I jog towards the Hyuuga Clan’s place and then exited to the forest. For about 20 minutes I jogged around it and then I saw a spot that will be a good place to train on my jutsus. I practiced there and concentrated to my chakra. I felt estranged with the feeling of peace upon me, I wasn’t thinking of anything and my mind was just empty but then I did not bother with that thing anymore. I feel so happy and complete to even think of anything that would make me sad.

After an hour of training I went back to the village and people were now starting to crowd the streets. Some stores are starting to set up and some are busy with their own stuffs. I walked towards the center at the village and then I saw Naruto and Sasuke walking with some bags packed up behind them.

“Ohayo Mina-san!” I greeted them with a beaming smile.

“Woah Sakura-chan you seem so happy today. And so full of energy.” Naruto said smiling widely stupid.

“I want to have a good life. And this is part of it, being positively happy!” I answered still smiling. “Anyway, are you already leaving?”

“Yeah. We need to head back to doing missions.” Naruto said while looking around. “Ano Sakura-chan, have you seen … uhm .. Hi-Hinata?”

“AHAAHAHAHAHA! Why’d ya have to be so shy about that Naruto?” I was grinning with Naruto’s shy expression.

“Eeeeeh?! What’s that I heard? Naruto is shy towards Hinata?” Ino pop-up out of nowhere.

“Ino?! Where did you come from?” I asked her.

“Right behind you. “ Ino answered

“So anyways Naruto-kun, what happened last night? Did you do IT with Hinata already? Were you so lovey-dovey with her?” Shikamaru also pop-up and was so pathetically excited as he was asking Naruto that sensitive question.

“Shikamaru no BAKA! How can you possibly asked that stuff to Naruto?” I was shouting at him, embarrassed for my friend who was bombarded with a very embarrassing question.

“Neh it’s okay Sakura-chan. We did it though…” He said shyly.

“WHAT?!” We all got stunned by what Naruto confessed.

“No no no! You got it all wrong. I mean we … you know … ah … we had our first kiss.” Naruto was as red as a tomato now.

“Naruto-kun! You should not be saying those to other people you know!” Ino hit Naruto’s head hard.

“Ohwa! Itaaaai!” He cried in pain.

“Neh how about you Ino and Shika?” Tenten was right behind us now. Seems like everybody was slowly appearing here. I tried looking at Sasuke’s direction and I saw that he was just cool with everything, though he looked like his normal cold self but at least there were no feelings of being left out from the group. And then the weirdest thing happen, he caught me starring and then he seemed a little bit flushed to know I was looking but then I just beamed him a friendly smile. I felt so weird with my actions, I didn’t know why that eye contact we had didn’t have the same effect on me, I still had that butterflies but they seemed to have been more relaxed and less sparkling now.  I had broken off with my thoughts when Ino’s voice boomed.

“WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY TENTEN?!” She was in ranged but in the same way embarrassed.

“Maybe she also saw you two kissing each other at the door of your house.” Sai said casually like it was the most normal thing to say. He just appeared like the way the others pop-out.  Everyone was quite it was a deafening silence for a while. Ino turned so red and she seemed like running away.

“Honto?” Naruto asked Ino.

“Bu-but , I-I was … ano …” Ino ran out of words to say.

“So what? I like her and she likes me too what’s wrong with that?” Shikamaru composed himself.

“Seems like everyone’s growing up already.” Tenten said returning the emotions back to normal. “Soon enough everyone will be marrying and having their own lives. I heard Gaara is going to marry Matsuri next year.”

“Woah, that’s really something.” Naruto suggested.

“Shikamaru and Ino can follow that up.” I teased Ino who send me fiery glares.

“How about you Sakura-chan? Who would you want to marry?” Tenten asked out of curiosity.

“Sakura will never get married she’ll be an old hag in a lonely house with a cat beside her.” Ino commented sarcastically.

“HEY! That’s rude I’m going to marry someday.” I half-screamed at Ino while pulling her and doing some silly cat-fights with her.

“How about you Sasuke?” Sai spoke up again. For the love of heaven why does he have to be this socially awkward. “Will you marry Karin soon enough? I heard that it’s being agreed already?” Sai put up his fake smile. There was something weird growing from the atmosphere and I felt conscious, it was like everyone was looking at me but I don’t understand why. Sure everyone must have known I love Sasuke but that feelings seemed to be a distant one from me right now. I don’t even understand why I feel fine even after hearing what Sai said.

“Ehhhh, with that Ugly red-headed insect? That’s disgusting Sasuke.” Naruto bluntly commented. And then everyone was losing the tensed feeling they have.

“Naruto I think we should get going now.” Sasuke finally broke his silence.

“Ah, yeah gome I forgot. I guess I’ll just see Hinata-chan after 5 months.” Naruto said a disappointed and then we started moving towards the entrance gate to send them off. Then while we were already at the gates …

“Naruto-kun!” A soft shout of a girl was heard behind us. It was Hinata running so fast to catch up.

“Hinata-chan!” Naruto also sprinted towards her. Then their bodies collided in a hug and they were the view we envied for a moment. I decided to walk over to Sasuke and talk to him.

“Ne Sasuke!” I approached.

“Hnnnn.” He looked at me.

“Take care. I’ll see you soon. If you will marry Karin and if she makes you happy then I’d be happy for you.” I don’t know what’s gotten into me for me to man up and say those words to him. In my mind it feels so right to say those words to him but somewhere deep inside me something is kicking to get out of the box but I brushed it off me.

“Hnnnn.” He just simply nodded with no emotions. Then the most unexpected thing happened. He pulled me towards him and then he kissed the top of my hair. There was something so familiar with this but I seemed couldn’t picture it out or I couldn’t remember.

“There is a bug on your hair.” Sasuke said. Oh it was just because of the bug.

“Ahehehe. Thanks. Goodbye Sasuke-kun.” I said awkwardly. And then Naruto and Sasuke left and we headed back to our places at the village.


There is something awfully weird with this chapter right? It’s like it doesn’t coincide with the previous chapter. TEHEHEHE something’s weird with Sakura I know. J Could you guess it? Well if not then watch out for the next chapter ^^

Thank you so much for the 70 votes I got from you guys. You really do inspire me to write. <3

Please do comment because I love hearing your thoughts. J



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