C h a p t e r 12

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I had a greater view of things after the talk I had with Kabuto. Never thought his a refined person. However, it still creeps me out how I was able to talk to him in the most normal sense. Never have I imagined in my entire existence that I’d approached Kabuto about personal problems I’ll have but that was before, before the war, before when everything was in chaos … before when Sasuke was still down at the edge of the path of redemption. But his changed already; he’s a hero, the one who defeated Madara and the evil Kaguya. But … is he really changed that much?

I shoved the thoughts away my mind and focused on my hot chocolate at hand, it was a beautiful evening and the moon shines so bring on the night sky. The village was already asleep but still some drunk men can be heard somewhere.  Suddenly my neck hurt, it’s like something is sipping it. I tried to gaze at it then some dim light is glowing from it, Sasuke’s mark, I remember that this was the exact place where he placed me that kiss mark or whatever you call it.

That mark on your neck. That mark means something. Orochimaru’s words flashed inside my mind.

“Sasuke, why do you confuse me.” I mouthed the words softly. I know I have a better perspective now but still I need to understand things more. I don’t want to be that dumb crybaby anymore. I was supposed to retreat back inside of my room when I noticed someone. Then a veiling chakra was slowly revealed. A shadow slowly walking towards me, I already know who he was.

“Sasuke” Was the only words I was able to say.

“Hnnnn” A confident and relaxed emotion can be seen from his face.

“So you’re the reason why this mark is activating.” I tried making my voice firm even with my heart beating so fast seeing him standing here in front of me.

“It could be said that way I suppose.” He said naturally.

“What did you do to me? And why are you here at my house?” Honestly, it seems pretty creepy for Sasuke always showing up in the shadows of my veranda. He is like a scary handsome stalker.


“Nothing? That’s weird. Shouldn’t you be doing your mission with Naruto?”

“We ought to deliver something with Tsunade. And I came here to get something.” He said with a smirk.

“Okay.  Goodbye.” I tried not letting my guard down. Then he slowly he walked towards me and the next thing I knew he was leaning into me and whispered.

“See you tomorrow Sakura … chan.”

That took me a lot to process. Sakura-chan. When did he ever called me with ‘chan’ ? Is he playing again with me? After what happened at Orochimaru’s place I thought he’d avoid me already. Arggh! This is really annoying. I’ll just sleep it off tonight.

In the morning when I wake up, Mom and Dad were fighting over the food Mom had cooked.

“I told you not to place sugar in it.” Dad was saying.

“I did not place any sugar in it!” Mom yelled at him.

“Then why does this taste so sweet? This is supposed to be a soup and not some sweet cookie or cake!”

Oh God! It’s early in the morning. Argh!

“I don’t know all I placed in it was that spice I got from our trip.”

“Mom & Dad it’s still so early. What are you fighting about?”

“Your mom made the soup too sweet.”

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