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Naruto and Sasuke came to Konoha after they heard about the current situation of Obito. And that afternoon Obito died in peace. We are now currently holding a wake for him in the Uchiha manor which Sasuke gave permission to do so.

"Sakura." Sai came near me while holding a box of incense. "Where will I place this?"

"Try asking Ino, she's over there." I pointed to him the room where Ino was.

I was currently preparing some foods for those who are here. A lot of people actually came to Obito's wake. Gaara, Temari and Kankuro came and also Karin and some of team Taka's members are here. I saw Sasuke this afternoon when I went here at the manor to arrange some stuff for the funeral but I tried to distance myself from him. I was not ready for any confrontations, not while we were mourning someone's death. I decided to gaze over at Sasuke's position and I thought he was going to come near me but then Karin blocked the view and flirted with him. I shifted my focused on the tea that I was making and brushed off the idea of him from my mind before the compulsion of forgetting him starts.

"Ne, Sakura-chan. Let me do that." Shizune came and took the tray I was supposed to carry. "Can you find candles?"

"Oh, I'll try to find some." I said as I turned around from her and ventured through the corridors. Actually this is the first time I have been in the place.

So this is where Sasuke grew up huh. The place was worn out and old, it's probably because no one used it for a very long time. But the walls still had traces of  the existence of picture frames which hanged on them and they still hold the memories, the happy memories, that once roamed this home.

I entered a room at the end of the hall. I turned on the light and checked on the room. It wasn't a large one, just a room enough for a single person. It looked so traditional. There were no windows, just a traditional shoji doors on one side of the room. I slide it and a scenery caught me eyes. Behind the room was once a beautiful garden with a small pond on it's center, now the only ones that can be seen are dead plants and the only plant there that seems to be alive is a Sakura tree by the edge of the pond.

I stop being mesmerized by the view and started rummaging the boxes on the old wardrobe. I saw boxes pilled inside it but as I took one box out dust came gushing and made me sneeze. Oh! This is so dusty. I opened it and I saw notebooks and some toys inside it. I took one notebook and opened it, it contains scribbles and drawings of a kid. Probably a boy because it was a boyish drawing. I was very gentle while flipping pages and pages because the notebook seems to be very fragile and it might get torn. At the last page of it was a drawing of a family, two boys with their mom and dad. Below it was a name written: Sasuke-kun.

"Don't you know it's rude to snoop around?" A voice sounded behind me. And I was shocked to see who the person was.

"Go-gome Sasuke. I was just ... ano... uhm... I am ... looking for candles." I said as my heart was starting to raise.

"It's not on my room." He replied. There was something different with his tone right now. He did not sound the way he usually does. It's somehow calm and collected.

"Sorry." I quickly returned the notebook back in the box and closed it. I placed it back on the wardrobe.

"Sakura.." Sasuke grabbed my wrist and I looked at him.

"Nani?" I asked and looked into his face. I tried to compose myself ,not wanting to leak into him the tension I am currently feeling.

"About what happen at Iwagakure-"

"Stop Sasuke. Don't explain anymore. Whatever you are trying to make me forget, I don't have plans of remembering." Lie. I'm lying. "It's better this way."

"Hnnn." Were the only words he said and I walked out of the room.

Those were lies. I don't want not to remember. I don't want it this way. But what am I suppose to say to him? Beg him to release me from this technique he has placed on me? That would be so lame and so weak of me. If I am going to take this off, I'd do it on my own way. I'd prove to him that my feelings are not easily manipulated. But first I need to remember the feelings I had for him.

The rest of the night passed quietly and solemnly. Naruto was with Hinata's side and was making up for the times he was not around. Kakashi was with the village elders and Tsunade, they were also joined by Gaara. I also noticed  Shika talking with Temari, the sight of him still ticks me off because of what he did to Ino but I guess that is the right thing to do. I also asked Sai to keep company with Ino because she is still not okay. Sai and I are fine now, the awkward feeling we had those previous weeks were far behind us now.

The dawn was nearly breaking and I decide to change my clothes so I looked for a room to get dressed. I tried going upstairs, not wanting to go into Sasuke's room anymore. I entered the first room I saw and I was very shock with what welcomed me in the room.

"Shizune-san ..." I said as I saw her getting dress and also Kabuto half naked and is just wearing his pants.

"Sakura-chan ..." Was all what Shizune was able to say.

"Oh I see. I'm sorry." And I instantly closed the door and continued to walk on the other rooms. I did not think they had that kind of relationship, even the idea that they were together. But I guess surprises does happen though.

We went on with Obito's  funeral and had buried him by noon. The ceremony's emotion was not very heavy in our hearts. Though it pained us to lose Obito but we knew that he died happily and is now with the one he love, Rin. Right after the funeral, Kakashi and Tsunade had a meeting with the elders. I heard that it was about the successor of being the next Hokage, they are putting Kakashi in position as the 6th Hokage.

Gaara and the rest of Suna also left that afternoon and Shikamaru went with them. Ino came to see Shikamaru before he leaves, she told me that she already forgave him and whatever they had be left in the past now. Shika hugged her before walking out of Konoha's gate.

I went to check on some patient in the hospital and when the sun was about to set I decided to retreat to my house and rest.

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