Chapter 1

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Takemichic had arrived at school and she was changing her shoes when she saw hina showed up in front of you, she soon jumped back and bit and smiled at her best friend. As the two girls stood there as many other students walked pass, them getting on with their days.

Hina " take-chan good morning"

Takemichi " good morning hina"

Hina " so have you gotten any love confession yet or have you taken a break from romance"

Takemichi " no I haven't hina and we all know those little crush don't last ... hey I might never find mister right"

Hina " don't you dare say that take-chan I know one day you will find a guy, who will fall head over heels for you and give you the world"

Takemichi " like that going to happen hina"

Hina " you have to believe Takemichic"

Takemichi " come on we are going to let for our homerooms"

Hina " coming and hey maybe some time this weekend we can go shopping"

Takemichi " sure" soon Takemichic said goodbye to hina as she and her are placed in different homerooms, taakmimhi soon walked into her homeroom and sat down at her desk which was placed near her friends which could be a pro and con at times.

Takemichi " good morning guys"

Makoko " good morning take-chan"

Akkum " you are looking beautiful today are you trying to get someone attention"

Takemichi " no I'm not I just wanted to look beautiful today"

Yamagshi " yeah take-chan this here and did you bring some of your delicious cookies"

Takemichi " umm yes I did" Takemichi had given each of the guys a bag of baked cookies, they all smiled at her there were a small amount of girls who gave the guys sweet.

Takyua " you are such a good cook Takemichi one day your future husband would be proud of having a talent wife like you"

Takemichi " me and marriage seem to be a dream if you can all believe that"

Takyua " oh come on you will find love"

Akkum " hey Takemichic about last night we are sorry we had to trouble you, we were stupid and now we are slaves of toman"

Takemichic " it okay guys it was not your fault for what the fool Kiyomasa and his friends have done"

Akkum " yeah but they are going to make our lives a living hell" Takemichic soon had remembered the guys will always come to school the next day injured and looking upset, and when she asked them what was going on they wouldn't tell her anything. They soon started become distant from her and their friendship soon crumbled, the guys no longer came to school and hina was there for her until her death.

Takemichic " I will save you guys just wait and see" the guys didn't anything but smile soon the day had come to a end, and Takemichic had a feeling something bad was happening so she raced towards the fight club area. She soon arrived to she takyua was getting beaten badly.

Takemichi " takyua" Takemichic ran towards takyua but akkum and Makoko stoped her, they were holding her back from getting stoped by Kiyomasa. Soon the fight had come to an end and takyua was beaten up baldy, Takemichic soon freed herself from her friends hold and ran over to her injured friend.

Takemichi " takyua ... takyua are you okay say something"

???? " what this girl doing here"

Takemichi " this girl is saving her friend from an idiot who picked on younger kids ... what wrong with you" Kiyomasa soon walked over to Takemichic and grabbed her hair, he soon blew some smoke into her face making her cough. Some guys were laughing at the whole thing.

Takemichi " I didn't know chimyes could walk and talk but hey that explains your intelligence" Kiyomasa didn't like that and he soon pushed her hard onto the ground, Takemichic soon looked at the guy he was about to kick her when someone stoped him. Kiyomasa soon was far away from her and on the ground looking beaten, Takemichic soon looked up and saw a short blonde hair boy looking at her.

????? " hey Kiyomasa I thought I made it clear girls were off limits when it came to toman business, but I came here to see you bring toman repetitions down and harassing this beautiful girl" the boy soon helped Takemichic onto her feet and she was still shocked.

???? " hey Kenny I think we should tech this fools a lesson"

???? " don't call me Kenny idiot it draken in public Mikey"

Mikey " fine hey what your name cutie "

Takemichi " Im Takemichic"

Mikey " oh hello Takemichic was this idiot here harassing you"

Takemichi " no well he ....."

Mikey " hey draken watch take-chan here while I deal with Kiyomasa okay"

Draken "okay" draken soon walked over to Takemichic and check to see if she was injured, but soon Takemichic saw Mikey beating up Kiyomasa and no one was stoping him. Soon Mikey was done and walked back to Takemichic, and save her a smile at made her trust him and fear him a bit.

Mikey " starting today Takemichic you are my girl and if anyone mess with you I will teach him a lesson"

Takemichi " wait what"

Mikey " see you take-chan I will be coming to see you"

Draken " see you soon take-chan" before Takemichic could say anything the two guys were walking away, and everyone else soon left. The guys had walked Takemichic home even to them they were shocked to see their friend become the girl of the leader toman.

Takemichi " oh okay my plan to stop toman from taking power ended" Takemichic was alone when she passed by a park see a group of boys picking on a younger boy. She soon ran toward them and hot the older boys with her bag scaring them off she soon looked at the smaller boy.

Takemichic " nato what are you doing here out so late"

Nato " takemichi hello I was coming home from a friends when they came after me"

Takemichic " you should be home your sister most be worried about you"

Nato " oh yes"

Takemichic " hey nato I need to tell you something important"

Takemichic soon sat down with nato and told hime everything, he soon looked at her shocked.

Nato " I will do anything to save my sister and you Takemichic"

Takemichic " then it looks like we will be team members nato"

Nato " yes" nato and Takemichic soon shake hands setting up a deal of making a promise to work together, soon Takemichi had opened her eyes to see she was in a police station in the future. She was given some water as the cop got the man who saved her and she soon saw an older looking nato.

Takemichic " nato you are alive I thought something bad happened what about your sister and everyone else"

Nato " I'm sorry take-chan I was not able to save her like I promise I failed you" Takemichic soon hugged the sad looking, nato and looked at him.

Takemichic " you have not failed we are going to save everyone together and stop toman"

Nato " sure take-chan "the two stood there as they were planning their next steps, to save everyone from this very sad future. A future where everyone lives seem to be very sad, and that many lives have been lost as well.

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