Takemichci was back in the future and she soon headed back to the prison she wanted to speak with draken, she needed to know how the battle of Valhalla turned out how this lead toman to become what they today. Takemichci had called naoto and he was able to, get another meeting after a few calls. Now Takemichci is waiting for draken to show up so she can ask him the questions she has for him.
Draken " Takemichci I still see you are here in Tokyo"
Takemichci " I'm sorry I stayed and for bothering you draken but I have some questions"
Draken " questions about what take-Chan"
Takemichci " kisaki the head of Valhalla right"
Draken " no kisaki not the head of Valhalla Takemichci Mikey is the head of Valhalla"
Takemichci " what do you mean Mikey leads toman how could he also lead Valhalla"
Draken " Valhalla was made for Mikey to rule how could you have forgotten that happened that day"
Takemichci " what"
Draken " it was bloody Halloween toman had lost and we soon formed with Valhalla"
Takemichci " why how did toman lose the fight we have Mikey"
Draken " it was all because of Mikey don't you remember Takemichci you were there, you had saw everything happen" soon Takemichci started getting flashback from the bloody Halloween fight.
Draken " Mikey had went after kazutora and killed him"
Takemichci " why would he kill kazutora"
Draken " what would you do after the guys who killed your brother and killed baji"
Takemichci " baji dead"
Draken " yes baji was killed but Mikey didn't go to jail because kisaki had someone take the fall"
Takemichci " why would he do it Mikey ..."
Draken " you had seen it with you own eyes Takemichci and after that day you become scared of Mikey, it had become rare for us to see you with Mikey for while until that rat kisaki brought you back ... so you and Mikey were together again... Takemichci get out of Tokyo when you can it not safe for you kisaki has man everywhere trying to find you and bring you back to Mikey"
Takemichci " ...."
Naoto " whatever type of relationship with Mikey you have to need to make sure kisaki dose not get in involved"
Takemichci " okay and while doing that I will make sure to keep baji and everyone else alive"
Naoto " good luck Takemichci I believe in you"
Takemichci " thank you naoto" soon Takemichci and naoto had shakes hands sending Takemichci back into the past, she soon noticed she was standing outside of hina apartment building.
Hina " thanks for walking with me home Takemichci I enjoyed having some time with you"
Takemichci " it was nothing I missed talking with you sorry I have been busy lately"
Hina " I understand Mikey seems to be a good guys I'm happy for you take-Chan you found guy who will do anything for you"
Takemichci " yeah"
Hina " wait I got you something listen it might seem childish but match friendship necklaces of four left clovers"
Takemichci " huh" hina soon gave Takemichci one of the necklace and soon enough Takemichci was holding her necklace in her hands.
Hina " I know you been in some trouble lately so this necklace will give you some luck and keep you safe, I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to you Takemichci you are my best friend"
Takemichci " thank you hina"
Hina " your welcome bye Takemichci get home safe"
Takemichci " I will" Takemichci was walking home alone and that when she put on the necklace hina had given her. She was happy as she can be but she knew this happiness was not meant to last and soon or later she will face the darkness she was trying to stop.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...