Chapter 18

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Chifuyu had called Takemichci out for something important so after meeting up somewhere the two of them, started walking towards an overpass bridge and that when Takemichci laid eyes on baji. She was hoping this will be her chance to bring baji back to toman.

Chifuyu " thank for coming baji"

Baji " chifuyu do you want me to beat you up again"

Chifuyu " so did high get the information you need on kisaki right"

Baji " huh"

Chifuyu " you joined Valhalla to spy on kisaki right"

Baji " I don't know what you mean chifuyu I'm with Valhalla that all you need to know"

Chifuyu " if you keep this up you will become an enemy of toman"

Takemichci " please baji come back and we can talk to Mikey about this"

Baji " Takemichci to be nice and all you only got involved when I commander fall in love with you p, I still don't know why a girl like you pick him ..... you can do so much better"

Chifuyu " baji"

Baji " what I'm telling the truth and what makes you think Mikey will keep her around what if he get bored of her"

Takemichci " listen baji at tomorrow fight you have to stay alive okay you can't die, you mean to much to all your friends and yes I might be some silly girl who got dragged into this war but I care about all of you ... even if you think low of me and I have been threw hell and back and I will do it again... so promise me you will be okay and not do something stupid"

Baji "....."

Takemichci " that the end of day baji it your choice but no matter what happens tomorrow and who wins or loser, friendships will be tested and emotions will run high so take care baji for ... hey chifuyu I will leave you two to talk I will be waiting at the bottom of stairs... goodbye baji" Takemichci soon walked away leaving the two boys alone she would never leaned about their conversation that day, until later on with chifuyu.

Later that afternoon

Takemichci " hey Mikey you ask to meet" Mikey had texted Takemichci asking to meet her at the park she knew it was about baji, she was getting ready to tell Mikey the horrible news.

Mikey " so you were not able to bring baji back were you take-Chan"

Takemichci " I'm sorry Mikey I did everything I could"

Mikey " it okay Takemichci I understand but this will effect the battle"

Later that night

Draken " the meeting is started we gather here tonight to prepare for the upcoming battle with Valhalla tomorrow"

Mikey " we all know Valhalla has more men and they are also stronger then us, baji is now a traitor to toman so thus battle so become more serious"

Takemichci " ....."

Mikey " okay I'm going to get childish here" everyone was shocked and soon looked at Mikey, even Takemichci was wondering what he was going to say.

Mikey " I can't fight baji tomorrow so I'm going to need all your support tomorrow so are you with me" soon everyone started cheering, making Takemichci smile a bit she soon looked at chifuyu who was smiling as well. Takemichci noticed Mikey closet friends were smiling as well.

The next day

Chifuyu " today the day Takemichci are you ready"

Takemichci " ready as I can ever be"

Chifuyu " I still can't believe Mikey allow you to fight"

Takemichci " yeah hey chifuyu who are the guys over there"

Chifuyu " oh yes they are re Haitians brother Ran and Rindou, they had call a 100 men with one call"

Takemichci " wow" the Haitians brother had noticed Takemichci was looking at them she soon turned her head away fast.

Chifuyu " that one over there the big fat one he is so stronger"

Takemichci " okay"

???? " time to see toman and Valhalla are not shit" soon chifuyu and Takemichci were looking at some guys wearing a white jumpsuit walking to the center it junkyard.

Hansen " why a girl here are you so type of cheerleader"

Takemichci " no I'm member of toman"

Hansen " aww that cute"

Chifuyu " back off hansen she Mikey girl" hansen soon looked sacred and walked away from Takemichci, he was soon with his group.

Hansen " okay let's introduce our fighters today Valhalla and Tokyo manji" soon the doors leading to the junkyard opened getting everyone attention.

Chifuyu " come on Takemichci we have to get going"

Takemichci " coming" soon Takemichci followed chifuyu to where toman was standing she was ready to fight. Mikey had looked at Takemichci one last time before the fight started. Takemichci knew she was going to keep baji alive she had to because if Mikey loses baji, then it all over for everyone.

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