Chapter 6

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Takemichi had end up back into the future once again but this time I was unknow how she ended up here, she didn't have time to worry about at she as now hangout with nato looking for the former leader of mobius. Who is a man named osaina there were a few clues given where he could be but, nothing major they were now waiting between a restaurant and building under construction.

Takemichci " I don't think the leads we be able to find him"

Nato " yes it seem like at it like he had disappeared"

Takemichci " how could someone just disappeared like that leaving no evidence"

???? " excuse me"

Takemichci " oh I'm sorry" an older man who looked beaten down and out of luck was standing in front of Takemichci, but she soon moved out of way but something hit her.

Takemichci " excuse me sir but are you Osisana the former leader of mobius"

???? " yes ... that me but I have to get back to work"

Nato " I will tell you boss you being question by the cops of an important matter"

Ossian " yes sir"soon all three are sitting in the restaurant Takemichci had order some food and drinks for the table, she was hoping that would get Ossian to talk.

Ossian " thank you Takemichci for doing this for me"

Takemichci " your welcome so can you tell us what happened to you and mobius"

Ossian " that horrible day the fight between mobius and toman lead to everything we have now"

Takemichci " what  do you mean"

Ossian " during that fight draken was killed and soon Mikey become evil .... All because of that fight it lead to what we all have now"

Nato " can you tell us who to blame for what happened"

Ossian " I'm sorry I can't I no longer want to go back to the past .. I have to get back to work" Ossian soon thanked Takemichci for the food and soon left, Takemichci sat there wondering what Ossian had meet by that and now she and nato her plan their next phase of action.

Takemichci " so I have to go back to the past and stop this fight from happening that ended up in draken death, and the fall of toman"

Nato " right"

Takemichci " then I should be going if I don't stop the fight now the future we are living now will, be what we are stuck with forever"Takemichci and nato had shakes hands and she was soon backed in the past, but she was on the back of akkum back holding onto him.

Akkum " hey Takemichci are you listening or have you spaced out again"

Takemichci " oh I'm sorry I was thinking about something... hey akkum have you ever thought about future like what do you want to be when you are older"

Akkum " what made you think that take-Chan"

Takemichci " I don't know it just came up"

Akkum " well I want to be an hairstylist when I grow up"

Takemichci " well you better become a hairstylist akkum because when we are older I'm going to make you my hairstylist, so what do you say"

Akkum " it would be a honor take-Chan"

Takemichci " wait I have somewhere to be can you drop me off here" Takemichci soon remember the fight with mobius is happening near a old warehouse near, where her and akkum are at the moment. She soon jumped off the bike and looked at akkum who gave her a worried look.

Akkum " do you want me to come with you"

Takemichci " no I will be okay I will call you if something happens bye akkum"

Akkum " bye" Takemichci had taken off running towards the warehouse and when she got there she didn't see anyone, until she soon walked more into the warehouse. When she soon saw Mikey and the others looking at her wondering why she was here anyways.

Mikey " take-Chan what are you doing here"

Takemichci " well I here to stop this fight from happening there are other ways this can be solved"

Draken " you should not be here Takemichci it not safe for you"

Takemichci " well I'm here anyways what makes you guys think violence can solve this issue"

Pah " my buddy was attach and his girl was assaulted what would you do Takemichci... tell me what would you do" Takemichci soon slapped pah on the face getting everyone attention, and they were all now looking at her.

Takemichci " I know what happened to your friend girl is horrible but attacking them won't help the girl recover, you sam help my being this guys to justice so they can be an jail and never hurt anyone else again... doing this will make them even more mad and maybe hurt someone else worst then before"

Ossian " well what do we have here a few middle school boys and beautiful middle school girl"

Pah " you bastard"

Ossian " that mr bastard I'm older then you by two years"

Pah " ...."

Ossian " see I had a feeling something like this would happen so that why I'm brought some friends with me" soon mobius members walked into the warehouse and they were all carrying weapons, before Takemichci could do anything she was soon pushed behind pah and place to sideline with peh.

Mikey " take-Chan stay there I don't want you to get hurt" soon the fight started between pah and Ossian, while Takemichci stood there doing nothing and peh was making sure she didn't move from the spot. Pah was losing the fight and peh was about to run our there and help him but Mikey stoped him.

Ossian " once I'm done with all of your idiots I will be taking the girl as mines, and you won't be able to do anything about it"Mikey looked mad and soon walked over to Ossian and kicked him in the head head knocking him out cold, Takemichci stood there shocked.

Mikey " I'm sorry Takemichci I didn't want anything bad to happen to someone I love .... Now that is over let's get going" Ossian had gotten up and made a run towards Mikey holding a broken bottle, but drakes had ran to stoped him Takemichci was hoping draken wouldn't die.

Draken " you have left the path of delinquents once you attack and man and his innocent girlfriend ... from now on mobius belongs to toman" soon the sound of police seines filled the air and everyone was looking around and everyone knew the police was coming, soon everyone was getting ready to run.

Draken " hey idiots don't leave your leader someone had to take him" before any of mobius could grab their leader he was soon grab by pah getting everyone attention, and that when everything become worst Mikey was trying to get pah to come with them but he didn't. Soon all four remain toman members are running but Takemichci was not feeling well, she soon start seeing everything as blurry and she soon passed out in the street. Draken and Mikey ran to her side but peh had taken Mikey away while draken took the poor girl to nearest hospital but called a friend to watch her.

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