It was New Years even and everyone was going to the festival to celebrate together as a group, Takemichi agreed to come because she wanted to see everyone after the whole fight on Christmas. She was walking threw the festival's trying to find everyone but she couldn't see anyone, she fought she got the time and meeting area wrong.
???? " hey Takemichi"
Takemichi " hey Mikey"
Mikey " look I want to say I'm sorry for what I have done"
Takemichi " it okay Mikey don't worry about it"
Mikey " no it a problem I haven't been the best towards you in the past months, and I'm sorry for my behavior and I still care about you"
Takemichi " I care about you as well and hey maybe we can be something special in the future"
Mikey " I will love that but for now we can take it slow if that works for you"
Takemichi " sure but you still owe me a date or two"
Mikey " I will do that"
???? " hey Mikey and Take-Chan"
Takemichi " hey mitusya aww who are these beautiful girl with you"
???? " beautiful girl"
??? " beauty lady"
Mitusya " oh these are my sister Luna and Mina girls this is Takemichi she my new friend"
Takemichi " hello"
Luna " are you dating our brother or Mikey-kun"
Mikey " well she is my girl she just friends with mitusya"
Mitusya " keep on talking a big game are you Mikey" Takemichi was hanging out with the two girls while mitusya and Mikey talked.
Mitusya " so did you apologize to her or no"
Mikey " yes I apologize and she forgave me and it seems like we might have a chance,but we are going to take it slow"
Mitusya " that good"
Mikey " I'm going to chance this year if I want to be with her my whole life, I have to better myself as a man and I want to spend the rest of my life with her because I love her"
Mitusya " that good I think without Takemichi we all will be lost she is the hope of us"
Mikey " yes she is"
Back to Takemichi
Hina " Takemichi"
Takemichi " hina hey"
Emma " you look for beautiful Takemichi you can wear anything and look like a goddess"
Takemichi " thank you" soon mitusya and Mikey had joined the group and everyone was seeming to have a great time.
Draken " happy New Years Takemichi"
Takemichi " happy new draken"
Hakkia " umm Takemichi hello"
Takemichi " oh hey hakkia and yuzuha"
Yuzuha " we wanted to say thank you for what you had done for us, during Christmas Eve you almost dead because of our family issues"
Takemichi " it will do anything for my friends and I won't leave anyone standing alone"
Hakkia " I owe you my life Takemichi"
Takemichi " no you don't hakkia I was doing it because I wanted I didn't, want to leave you alone"
Hakkia " thank you Takemichi"
Yuzuha " if you may know tajiu left the house and we don't know where is that the moment"
Takemichi " don't worry everything will be okay and maybe one day he will come home, and you guys can fix your relationship"
Yuzuha " maybe we can thank you Takemichi"
Mikey " welcome on everyone we are about to start the new year" everyone got ready to bring in the new year and everyone was hoping for something in the new year. Mostly Takemichi was hoping that the new year won't be the much trouble like this year.
Many night later
Draken " attention everyone we are about to start the first official meeting of the new year, Mikey has some words to say"
Mikey " there was a fight that had taken place between toman and the black dragons on Christmas Eve"
Toman member 1 " there was a fight"
Toman member 2 " I thought we had a peace treaty between them"
Chifuyu " Take-Chan I need to tell you something that happened"
Takemichi " huh"
Mikey " hakkia you wanted to say something at the meeting you can speak now"
Hakkia " thank you commander I wanted to say sorry to everyone for bringing them into my family conflict, but mostly Takemichi who kept on fighting for me no matter what happened so thank you again Takemichi"
Mikey " Takemichi had taken on the leader of the black dragons and won, she had not given up hakkai and his sister during Christmas Eve she had fought him and proven herself like she had done before"
Mikey " kisaki come to the front please" soon kisaki came to the front and everyone was wondering what was going to happen next.
Kisaki " yes commander"
Mikey " kiskai from here on today you are fired" everyone looked shocked at Mike even Kiskia himself as mikey had openly fired him, no one could believe mikey was taking this action and firing Kisaki. Takemichi stood there trying to understand everything that was going on, people were whispering to each other trying to understand why mikey had fried Kiskia.
Kisaki " you cant fire me im your best guy"
Mikey " yes I can after what you had done Kiskia chifuyu here had told me everything you and hanma tied him up, when you agreed to help Takemichi fight the leader of the black dragons leaving her alone and betraying her trust ..he had shown me and told me everything I need to know"
Kiskia " you cant do this mikey you will be nothing without me" kiskai started moving toward top of the stairs trying to get in mikey face and plead his case, but that when draken step in his way.
Draken " who gave you the right to come up here, after what you did to Takemichi you are lucky mikey be so nice"
Hanma " let kiskai speak darken" once again Hanma had come to kiskai side and got into a small fight with draken allow Kisaki to take a few more steps towards mikey.
Kisaki " you will be nothing without me Mikey I have given you everything you have now, I have been a major help to you"
Mikey " ......"
Kisaki " oh I see I wonder what Takemichi would think of some of you hidden secrets towards her" Mikey soon looked at kisaki giving him a cold glare, that made kisaki shut up. Everyone was wonder what kisaki was taking about mostly Takemichi but soon the mood changed, when two people that Takemichi had meet before walked toward Mikey getting everyone attention.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...