Takemichci was walking around the city minding her own business when she walks passed this park, she was coming up with plan to deal with baji before the upcoming battle between toman and Valhalla. Takemichci was wondering what Mikey would do to her if she failed her mission getting baij back.
???? " hey Takemichci" Takemichci soon looked around and saw chifuyu he was sitting on the swigs, and soon enough Takemichci walked over to him and sat in the empty swig.
Chifuyu " hey baji is amazing is he"
Takemichci " are you okay he did beat you up yesterday and now you are sounding like it was nothing"
Chifuyu " because I know baji has a great idea to deal with kisaki now come on, I know you want to get rid of kisaki as well"
Takemichci " yes I do and bring baji back"
Chifuyu " then we have someone to see that can help us learn more about kisaki, and his motivation for being in toman"
Takemichci " okay" the two of them soon left the park and head off to somewhere in the city, they soon arrived at this workplace. Quickly enough they were standing in front of Osiana Takemichci was happy to see was doing well after, seeing him in the future what happened to him she felt bad for him.
Takemichci " Osaina you are looking like you are doing well"
Osiana " thank so why have you two come here"
Chifuyu " we came here to ask about kisaki and what his deal is"
Osiana " If you most know don't trust him and don't turn your back on him, I thought he was just some weak near I was wrong he planned everything single detail"
Takemichci " wait so you are saying kisaki was behind all of this right"
Osiana " yes he was and I was one of his many puppets and when he was done with me, he tossed he aside like trash"
Takemichci " oh"
Osiana " if I were you guys I would be carful around him he has plan for everything, and Takemichci you should be more careful then everyone else ..l kisaki he some crazy obsession with you"
Takemichci " thank you Osiana and please have a good life from here on now" Takemichci and chifuyu soon left the place and it started to raining, they were lucky because they were able to find stall that's as selling umbrella. Takemichci had brought one for chifuyu and herself. The two of them soon started walking somewhere else, but Takemichci was thinking about Osiana last waring to her.
Takemichci " what have done to get the obsessions of kisaki"
Chifuyu " don't worry about that to much because right now we need to get kisaki out of Valhalla because, he the head of Valhalla"
Chifuyu " understood now come on Mikey and draken are waiting for us"
Takemichci " sure" Takemichci had followed chifuyu to the cemetery leaving the poor girl wondering what they were doing here, they soon came across Mikey and draken.
Mikey " hey beautiful"
Takemichci " hey Mikey and draken"
Draken " hey we are going to leave you two alone come along chifuyu" draken and chifuyu soon walked away.
Mikey " this is where my brother is buried he was killed when I was younger by someone I know"
Takemichci " Mikey I'm sorry i didn't know"
Mikey " I think if he was alive he would of love to meet you Takemichci"
Takemichci " I would of loved to meet him as well"
Mikey " Takemichci will you always be by my side no matter what"
Takemichci " I would always be here for you Mikey"
Takemichci " hey Mikey would you ever allow me to be in toman like a captain or member"
Mikey " I have to think about it"
Takemichci " understood I have to leave now good bye Mikey" Takemichci was walking home with chifuyu the two of them were not speaking a word to each other.
Chifuyu " hey Takemichci I know you want kisaki gone for more reason then I do so why don't we work together as partners and get rid of him together"
Takemichci " you have a deal" Takemichci and chifuyu soon shakes hands and that when, she felt a jolt of lightning when she was shaking hands with chifuyu. Soon enough she was back in the future, right away she need to find naoto and ask him to bring her somewhere to ask questions and get the answers she needs.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...