It was a few days before the Christmas conflict and Takemichi was out doing some Christmas shopping for al her friends she knew the fight was coming soon, and she had to decide on what she was going to do. Even due there was four of them fighting off Tajiu she didn't know what was going to happen yes she was scared out of her mind and, she knew she was doing this it save everyone but there was feeling something could go wrong.
????? " hey Takemichi"
Takemichi " hey mikey"
Mikey " I was told you were doing some shopping so how is everything going"
Takemichi " it going well mikey I don't have time to talk I need to ...."
Mikey " no please stay I need to speak with you please"
Takemichi " sure"
Mikey " look I know I haven't been the best guy and I stuck as a boyfriend"
Takemichi " ......"
Mikey " I don't want you getting to involved with toman business that doesn't matter with you"
Takemichi " oh really"
Mikey " you are always getting into everyone else business and causing trouble from the start"
Takemichi " wait so you are blaming me for everything that has happened when it was happening before I even, meet you in my life all these things were going to happen anyways mikey ... open your eyes to see you are not the only one suffer everyone is here for you and toman but you guys are acting all high and mighty .... Oh you know mikey I don't have the energy or time to deal with you bye"
Mikey " you are always doing this only your emotions to control you, what did I ever see in you"
Takemichi " you mikey sano are some little child" Takemichi had made a snowball and tossed it at mikey face making mikey lose his balance and soon, fall onto the ground he soon looked at Takemichi who was mad.
Takemichi " ahh boys are idoits now matter there generations or ages" Takemichi had walked away mad at mikey who was sitting in the snow mad at himself draken was right he should think before he speaks because right now it might of ruined his relationship with Takemichi for good.
At Takemichi house
Hina " he an complete idiot"
Takemichi " I don't know what to do anymore hina he keeps on saying he cares for me but, there are times when he a complete..."
Emma " jerk I know I'm his sister he keeps on acting before he thinks"
Takemichi " thank you girls for coming over"
Emma " anytime I'm going to have a conversation with Mikey and see if I can talk some sense into him"
Takemichi " thank you Emma"
Hina " pass this point if he keeps on acting like this you should break up with him"
Takemichi " ..... "
Hina ' if you don't feel in love with him anymore"
Takemichi " I know"
Emma " we will see you later hey we are having a Christmas party on Christmas Eve why don't you come,and talk with him"
Takemichi " umm sure I will see if I can come" Takemichci soon waved goodbye as the girls left her house she was now alone thinking of the upcoming battle and her relationship with Mikey. She had to let one of them go to save the other but she didn't know what will happen next for her.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...