The church had fallen silent as everyone was looking at takemichi and tenjiu either one of them was saying anything, as they stood there looking at each other. Takemichi had taken many punches and kicked from tenjiu but she was till standing, even take a hit from the basketball ball bat she was still standing. She was happy to have the others here because they were dealing with the others, but she was filling like something was off.
Tenjiu " you don't give up do you little girl"
Takemichi " if I'm still standing here what makes you think I will stop now I'm either going to win or, you are going to have to kill me"
Tenjiu " then it looks like you will have to die" tenjiu had punched takemichi once again sending her fall back and onto the ground. Pain was rushing threw her body and she soon looked up at tenjiu who had a stupid smirk on his face, she soon got up slowly and looked at him.
Mitusya " takemichi you have to stop he going to kill you"
Takemichi " no I'm not going to stop I can't allow him to keep winning, and I won't allow him to hurt anyone else"
Chifuyu " Takemichi please no" Takemichi has taken a run at tenjiu and soon landed and hard punch on him making tenjiu fall to his knees.
Takemichi " you thought you were going to get the upper hand but it was all wrong"
Hakkia " take-Chan you really beat my brother in a fight"
Takemichi " I don't think he dine yet"
???? " hey did I miss anything... Takemichi what are you doing here"
Takemichi " hey Mikey"
Mikey "did you decide to hurt my girl tenjiu"
Tenjiu " that girl of your is brat and won't stay in her place"
Mikey " leave her alone and fight me now"
Takemichi " stay out of this Mikey this is between me and him"
Mikey " Takemichi" tenjiu had punched Takemichi sending her back a few feet and she was not getting up getting everyone, reaction he soon started walking towards Mikey. Soon the church bells started ringing with a grin on his face and mikey was mad.
Tanjiu " see even the bells ringing for my victory I have won I official but ...." Before tanjiu could say anything else he was soon kicked hard by someone, everyone soon notice it was Takemichi she was back up standing again. Tanjiu soon had fallen to the ground, Takemichi step over his body and soon looked down at him.
Takemichi " I Takemichi have defeated tanjiu once and for all making me the new leader of black dragons, you are done tanjiu"
Chifuyu " Takemichi she really did it she beat him"
Mikey " Takemichi"
Takemichi " come on let's leave everyone Christmas starts tomorrow and I should get home before my mother worries about me"
Mitusya " sure"
Mikey " Takemichi I ..."
Takemichi " don't Mikey save it please" everyone was walking out of the church together with the three blacks dragons waiting inside, the door had opened once again and everyone saw draken sitting down with a group of black dragons knocked out cold.
Draken " hey everyone wow Takemichi are you okay"
Takemichi " I'm fine these will go away soon"
Tanjiu " no I can't lose"
Inui " boss you have lost expect it" tanjiu had awoke up and ran out of the church he soon knew he was had lost, Takemichi stood there wondering what was going to happen next. She knew she had to deal with kisaki and Hanma later but she, rather deal with him later on.
Hakkia " you were amazing Takemichi thank you"
Yuzuha " yes thank you Takemichi"
Takemichi" anytime I will do anything for my friends well happy holidays everyone see you around" Takemichi soon we walked down the steps getting everyone worried, chifuyu soon ran after her and dropped her off at home. Mikey felt horrible he wanted to make it up to her.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...