Chapter 33

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Takemichi has been taking many hits from tanjiu but she was still fighting him and two other shiba siblings were shocked at she was still fighting, and she was fighting for them. Why was she doing this anyways she could be so where else, but she was here now fighting for them against their older brother. They didn't have the same courage as Takemichi to stand up against him and fight fair verse using tricks.

Yuzuha " Takemichi you need to stop you are going to get horribly hurt or killed"

Takemichi " I don't care I'm putting a stop to this man for once and for all"

Tanjiu " then you want to face death don't you"

Takemichi " I have been at death door many times this is not the only time, I have been beaten down before tanjiu so I'm not backing down"

Tanjiu " you are such a annoying brat my own brother won't man up and help you because he weak"

Hakkia " he right I'm weak I'm sorry take-Chan I brought you into my own battle that I can't fight"

Takemichi " it okay to be weak hakkia we have all been weak before, in our lives and you shouldn't be fighting alone you have family and friend who care about you"

Hakkia " thank you Takemichi"

Takemichi " I have been threw bell because of other before I have faced you tanjiu so, you are not the last one I will fighting with during my life but I won't allow you to ruin anyone else lives ... so change as person now or step down as black dragons leader"

Tanjiu " I will like to see you try to take me down little girl"

????? " Takemichi" soon chifuyu came running into the church out of breathe he had pushed open the doors.

Takemichi " chifuyu what happened"

Chifuyu " kisaki and Hanma had betrayed us and they tied me up , hoping for their sick plan to work"

Takemichi " we can deal with them later I'm happy you are here now"

Chifuyu " what happened to you are you okay"

Takemichi " I had taken a few punched and kicks from tanjiu but I'm good now, still trying to take down this man"

Chifuyu " well you are not alone anymore you have me here now"

Tanjiu " aww you brats are so annoying"

???? " hey jerk leave them alone" everyone soon looked at saw mitusya had walked into the church and Takemichi was wondering, how did mitusya found out about this battle anyways.

Takemichi " mitusya what are you doing here"

Mitusya " chifuyu called me and told me what happened are you okay Take-Chan this idiot didn't hurt you to badly"

Takemichi " I'm good"

Mitusya " Mikey going to lose to when he finds out what you had done tanjiu you had been a horrible, older brother and now you are attacking a innocent girl"

Tanjiu " oh look more annoying kids that don't know how to stay out of family business"

Takemichi " we are not going to leave hakkai or Yuzuha alone with you, and I don't care what you do to me I won't allow you to hurt them anymore" Takemichi had felt something was off like tanjiu was finding something she soon saw someone come running towards, mitusya she soon pushed mitusya out of way and she had taken a hit in head with a bat.

Inui " ....."

Everyone " Takemichi" inui and koko had joined the battle which seem like they might of been there the whole time, Takemichi didn't fall which shocked everyone she soon looked at the three black dragons. It looked like it didn't hurt her she soon looked at inui.

Takemichi " you know I thought that will hurt but it didn't, after getting beaten up over and over I soon got use to everything that was happening"

Inui " I didn't ...."

Takemichi " I will deal with you later right now I'm dealing with tanjiu here, here let make a deal if I win I becomes new leader of the black dragons and you will officially retire and leave the delinquent life for good .... But if you win then I will stop fighting you"

Chifuyu " Takemichi don't do that he will kill you"

Takemichi " I don't care if he kills me"

Koko " you are just a girl give up already"

Takemichi " I'm tired of everyone saying I'm a girl and I can't fight like a boy, I will show you all a girl can fight better then a boy"

Takemichi " so come on tanjiu show me if you are real man or some coward" everyone had gotten quite as Takemichi gave a cold glare at tanjiu who looked very angry. Everyone was worried sick about Takemichi trying to talk her out of what she was about to do, they thought she was not a good freighter and that tanjiu was going to kill her. There was no lie that everyone was amazed at Takemichi was still frightening after everything that had happened, and she was not stepping down she was showing the true nature of black dragon leader.

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