Chapter 15

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So Takemichci are in her  class trying to come up with a plan to get baji back and she couldn't even come up with one idea, she needed to bring baji back from having the horrible future from happening but that moment nothing was working. Mikey was going to make her pay if she couldn't bring baji back and she was trying to get rid of kisaki as well.

Takemichci " I'm doomed"

Akkun " hey Takemichci we heard the big new you are finally in toman"

Yamagishi " congratulations so are you and Mikey a couple yet or no"

Takemichci " thank you guys and hey maybe we are a couple"

Makto " so how dose it feel"

Takemichci " it feels good"

Takuya " so why do you look so scared"

Takemichci " well it a long story" Takemichci had explained the whole store to her friends which gave her weird Lola from them.

Makto " so if you don't bring back baji then Mikey going to make you pay and here I thought he was good boyfriend"

Akkun " you have until the battle but we don't know when that happening do you"

Takemichci "no"

Yamagishi " well how much do you know of the history or toman"

Takemichci " not that much and before any of you ask no Mikey has not told me any of the history of toman"

Yamagishi " well then get ready because I will be giving you the whole history of toman" Takemichci and the others were laughing at yamagishi comment but soon enough everyone gather around her desk, and that when the lesson started Takemichci was listening closely gather as much information she can.

Takemichci " wait who the last founder of toman"

Yamagishi " his name is ....."

???? " hey is Takemichci hangaki here I was told this was her classroom" Takemichci and her friends stopped what they were doing and looked at the entrance of the classroom, and that when Takemichci saw the man with the tiger tattoo on his neck.

Makto " hey buddy who are you and why are you asking about my friend"

Yamagishi " Makto back down that him he the one I was going to mention .... Takemichci this is the guy you are looking for right Kazutora"

Kazutora " Takemichci yes I finally get to meet you I'm so happy I get to meet  the new girl in toman" kazutora ran pass Makto and kazutora right away hugged Takemichci.

Kazutora " oh come on Takemichci I want to get to know the girl friend of Mikey" Takemichci was soon pulled out of classroom by kazutora as she was trying to make sure she has everything with her. She soon noticed there were two guys following after kazutora but they were looking beaten up.

Takemichci " hey what happened to your friends"

Kazutora " oh they were not listening so I decided to beat them up"

Takemichci " what that not fair"

Random guy 1 " are you questioning our boss girly"

Takemichci " wait no"

Random guy 2 " hey dude back off she the girlfriend of Mikey if he finds out someone is harassing her you are dead" soon the guys had back down and soon enough kazutora dragged Takemichci to far part of the city. Where she soon arrived at an old an arcade they was left alone for many years.

Takemichci " what are we going here"

Kazutora " I brought you to the headquarters of Valhalla because you are needed for something"

Takemichci " what do you mean" soon Takemichci had followed them into the arcade she could head cheering, from the coward and she soon saw baji beating up chifuyu.

Takemichci " what bank doing":

Kazutora " he proving himself to Valhalla making beating up his most loyal man"

Baji " is that enough for you Hanam"

Hanam " yeah that good hey kazutora did you bring her"

Kazutora " yes"

Hanam " oh Takemichci we meet again how great"

Takemichci " what going on here"

Hanam " Takemichci is true you were there that night to here baji leaving toman and quit"

Takemichci " yes I was but...."

Hanam " the if official baij is allowed into toman and with him we an take down toman"

Takemichci " wait no baji is toman founder he can't leave like that"

Kazutora " I was a toman founder and left to join Valhalla so can baij"

Baij " I'm sorry to say but Mikey has become weak once he allowed a girl like you into his life, so I with kazutora and together we will take down toman"

Baij " so Takemichci as a favor to Mikey I will allow you to walk out of here alive but if you are not gone soon then, I will come after you"

Kazunoria " finally, I will make Mikey pay"

Takemichci " fine I will leave but I'm taking chifuyu with me he needs help and be rather be a good person verse evil" Takemichci was able to get chifuyu to walk out of there and took him somewhere safe where she fixed him up. She knew she had to learn more about kazutora and his hate for toman and Mikey.

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