So Takemichci and Mikey had decided to do a gift exchange because they was what couple do right, well it was still debated on if Mikey and Takemichci were couple at the moment. To Mikey there were a couple and Takemichci was still trying to understand what she had gotten into at the moment.
Mikey " hey Takemichci I happy you were able to make it"
Takemichci " oh hey Mikey I'm sorry I'm a bit late I was warping up your gift, and I messed up a few times I wanted it to be picture perfect"
Mikey " aww Takemichci I will love the gift no matter what" Emma had gotten Mikey and Takemichci a room at a karaoke bar, so now the couple was sitting in a room together with some food that has been order and hot drinks.
Takemichci "here I made you a scarf and knitted hat I hope you love it"
Mikey " aww Takemichci I love it I didn't know you could knit so well"
Takemichci "well it a hidden talent" Mikey soon smiled at Takemichci and soon gave her a soft kiss on the right check making the girl blush bright red, Takemichci soon opened her gift from Mikey and it was charm bracelet with a few charm on them.
Takemichci " Mikey you didn't have to"
Mikey " no I wanted to take-Chan I wanted to show you how much you mean to me .... I had asked around to find out the perfect charms for your bracelet"
Takemichci " aww that so sweet Mikey" Takemichci soon gave Mikey a kiss on the lips and it seemed to shock Mikey, but he soon kissed Takemichci back on the lips as well.
Mikey " I think I'm enjoying our small holiday party"
Takemichci " I think so too now come on let sing some holiday songs ... hey well we are that it why don't we invite the other who have even ears dropping for the last hour"
Mikey " I told those guys to not follow" Takemichci soon opened the door and soon came falling into the room the guys and Emma .
Emma " oh hey there you two we wanted to check up on you"
Takemichci " sure come on you can join us because, it will be to cruel to send you away"
Mitusya " thank you sorry Mikey "
Mikey " I will get back at your guys but not today" the guys were worried about the whole thing but the next day, Takemichci and Emma were getting a few things for another Christmas when they saw a crowd of people. So the girls went to check it out and soon started laughing when they saw the guys dressed as reindeers doing some dance and singing Christmas songs.
Mikey " see I told them I will make them pay"
Emma " oh this so funny"
Takemichci " I'm getting pictures of everything"

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...